chapter 1: entrance exam

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3rd person pov

In the city of Domino

Two boys with brown hair run on the sidewalk as they were on their way to an entrance exam.

Brown hair: All right, we got our decks, we got our gear and we've got about 2 minutes to the Duel Academy Entrance Exam before they start.

Brown hair 2: No shit, Sherlock! I could of went with Weiss instead of waiting for you, Jaden! I mean why of all days did you have to oversleep!!

Jaden: oh, come on, Y/n. At least we're not students yet so they can't throw us in detention for being late.

Y/n: I swear, if we miss the exams, I'm gonna kill you and sell your deck!

Y/n sighs as the two continues to run as they come up to a guy with blue jeans and a black tank top as he had yellow and purple spiky hair.

Jaden: at your back!

The guy turns to look at them as they yell out and try to stop before bumping into him as they fall as their decks and a duel disk fall out of their bags as they look and try to pick them up. Y/n looks back at the man and bows slightly.

Y/n: we're so sorry, sir.

The two continue to pick up their cards as they dust them off as the guy looks at them.

???: You two are duelists, aren't you?

Jaden: Yep, we're on our way to try out at the academy.

???: Aheh, you don't say.

The guy opens his deck box on his belt as he pulls out a few cards as Jaden and Y/n stand up as Jaden rubs the back of his head with closed eyed smile and chuckles. Y/n looks back at the guy before his eyes widen in shock as Jaden opens his eyes and looks at the guy in shock as well.

Jaden: H-Hey, your.....

The guy smiles as he holds one card out to Jaden.

???:  Why don't you take this? Something just tells me that it belongs with you.

Jaden looks at him in confusion before smiling as he takes the card and looks at it. Y/n looks at Jaden before the guy turns and hands him three cards as Y/n looks at him before taking the cards as he looks at them as his eyes widen in shock.

Y/n: These are...but why give me these? I already have special cards in my deck.

The guy starts to walk past the two as he walks away.

???: Good luck.

Jaden and Y/n look at him leave before bowing respectively.

Jaden: Thank you! We'll make you proud!

The guy stops as he turns to them and gives them a thumbs up before walking on as Jaden and Y/n look at him. Jaden smiles as he looks at his card as it was winged kuriboh as a Hoo echoed around his mind and Y/n as they look around.

Jaden and Y/n: What was that?

Jaden looks around before looking at the time as he looked in shock.

Jaden: Uh oh, the exam!

Y/n: Let's move!

The two start to run again as they put the cards they got in their decks as Jaden looks in determination.

Jaden: I can't be the next king of Games if I'm late to the games!

Y/n: Yeah right!

At the Kaiba Dome

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