chapter 3: A Duel in love

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3rd person pov

It has been a week since I was in duel Academy and in that whole week me Jaden Syrus and a new one Chumley became friends. Right now Alexis was seen listing every type of card.

Alexis: Duel monsters cards can be grouped into Normal Monster cards, Fusion Monster cards, Ritual Monster cards, Effect Monster cards, Trap and Spell cards. Trap cards can be divided into Normal Traps, Counter Traps and Continueds Traps. Spell cards can be separated into Normal Spells, Continues Spells, Equip Spells, Quick-play Spells, Ritual Spells and Field Spells.

Dr. Crowler replied

Dr. Crowler: Perfect well done Alexis. Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from one of my blue Obelisk

Alexis: Yes Dr. Crowler

Alexis took a seat.

Dr. Crowler: Hmm who should I call next.

Dr. Crowler then looked around then called Syrus.

Dr. Crowler: You Syrus Truesdale.

Dr. Crowler called Syrus. Syrus then stand up and Dr. Crowler then said

Dr. Crowler: Explain to the class what a field spell is please.

Syrus: A Field spell is a is a thing that affects the thing that is a-

Syrus then was cut off by a random Obelisk blue

Student 1: Even a pre-duellers know the answer to this you slulifer slacker

The Random Obelisk blue said making the other random Obelisk blue students laugh making Chazz snicker. Syrus get embarrassed.

Syrus: I know what it goes its a a.

Jaden: Relax Sy you totally got this

Dr. Crowler: I think not sit down now would someone pls give the answer
"Preferable someone not wearing red thank you"

Syrus: I blew it I made the other slifers look bad

Jaden: You know some teach. You shouldn't really make fun of us slifers like that

Jaden explained making Crowler let out a hn.

Jaden: I mean I'm a slifer and I beat ya so I mean if your making fun of us your really making fun of yourself

Jaden said making Crowler angry while biting his collar while making some slifer red students laugh while Alexis silently giggle and making Y/n smirk. Crowler then thought while still angered

Dr. Crowler: That's it I will not tolerate this slacker in my School for another second I will sethe until he's taken down

We could see Professor Banner in the si5 introducing himself

Prof Banner: So as some of you students know my name is professor Lyman Banner. I specialize in some lesser known tactics and strategies in the world of Duel Monsters some might a consider to be unnatural

Syrus: oh by the way thank you Jaden

Jaden: Sure no problem. For what

Syrus: For sticking up for me

Professor Banner then stop and look at both Jaden and Syrus

Jaden: Uh oh I'm thinking that I'll have to do it again in a second time

Banner: Syrus...

Syrus then stand up

Syrus: Yeah

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