Chapter 6: Unexplained

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"You could at least tell me your name since I'm being your dog for the day," I followed behind him, watching his stride.

"Dylan," he simply stated. I followed behind, walking into biology.

" I deserve an explanation at all or?" I dragged on, waiting for a response.

"Sh!" He didn't look at me. If anything, he acted as if I weren't there.

No one noticed me there.

I'm not even in this class with him. How could no one not wonder what I'd be doing here?

Dylan sat at his seat. I looked around noticing that all the other seats in the room were taken.

"Where am I suppose to sit exactly?" He nonchalantly motioned his hand downward.

I sighed, sitting down and resting my back against the cabinets that were by Dylan's seat. I sat facing him. He was fully focused on the lecture Mr. Barr was presenting. His perfect jawline was tense, along with the rest of his body. His grip on the pencil was strong, knuckles turning white. Veins sticking out throughout his arm. My eyes trailed up to his face,his long lashes blinking. His focus was unbreakable. Throughout his face were moles, forming constellations like the stars in the sky.

He was beautiful.

I could tell that I was staring too long. He threw a quick glance in my direction. I slightly smiled. He played it off, as if he weren't looking at me.


"You don't need anything from your locker," Dylan continued to walk towards the doors to leave. I stopped at my locker anyway, causing him to stop and turn around.

"Yeah, I do. I need my text book for Ms. Hill's class. Remember, we have that essay due tomorrow? Do you pay attention at all?" At this point, I was clearly irritated with him. He continuously orders me around without any explanation.

"Listen," he walked closer, "what I say goes. You won't be needing to finish your essay. Don't even worry about homework, okay? You're coming home with me tonight."

"Fuck no. I've pretty much just met you, you act all weird and order me around, and you now expect me to go home with you? And where's an explanation, huh? Why is everyone acting like I don't exist? Why are you suddenly talking to me? You don't even know me!" The frustration got to me so bad that my eyes got watery.

He sighed, "Ella, if you just come home with me, I'll explain everything. I'll answer every question you have. Just, please, you need to trust me."

"Trust you? I don't know you! And, uh, how do you know my name? I could've sworn I haven't told you."

"I know more about you than you think. If you want answers you have no choice but to come with me." He turned his back toward me and walked out the door toward his car.

I followed.

His car had a new smell to it. It smelled as if he just got it, yet it still smelled like him. We drove in silence,reaching his house whilst passing mine.

"Do you like it?" He suddenly broke the silence.

"Like what?"

"Your new house. Living here, with Anne and Patrick." I looked out the window, seeing their cars in the driveway.

"Yeah, yeah I do," a ghost of a smile formed on my lips. "It's been awhile since I've had a family like this." I looked in his direction, seeing him grimace. Almost as if he were pitying me.

We got out of the car and walked on his porch. He struggled for his keys, finding them in the front pocket of his bag. Dylan opened the door revealing a beautifully decorated interior.

"Wow, nice house," I looked around taking it all in.

"Thanks," he threw his bag on the floor of the living room.

I sat on the couch, "Can we, uh, talk now?"

He sat down next to me, closer than I expected. His thigh an inch from mine. The smell of freshly washed clothes radiated off of him.

"Okay, before we get really into this conversation, know that what you'll hear, you might not like."

"I don't think it matters at this point if I'm thrilled about what you're about to tell me or not."

"Okay, here it goes. I'm just gonna get straight to it," he sighed, "You're dead."

I was completely baffled, "Excuse me?"

"You died, last week. You were stabbed by someone who planned on hurting you for quite some time. Your body wasn't found, he took it with him. You are currently on the missing persons list." He kept his gaze locked with mine.

"You're not being serious, right?" I felt scared, but was hoping he was just messing with me.

"I know it's a lot to sink in, but I'm here to help you."

"How is this possible," I breathed out. He grabbed my hand, his hands felt so warm. They were soothing. A tear slipped down my eye.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. We'll find him. That's what my purpose is."

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"I've been with you this whole time. You just never noticed me, because you were still alive. I'm not from here, I'm like you. Except I'm stuck, no way out.

The man, the one that killed you," I flinched, "he has been trying to get to you since you were a baby. That's why your mom and you had to leave when you were 14 and go to California. You two were going to a safety base. And then the accident happened, and you were put straight into a foster home. That's when everything went wrong. You were in great danger. I've always been watching over you, and I failed to keep you safe."

He was definitely right, it was a lot to take in. At this point, I was sobbing.

"So that's it? I'm just dead now?" I yanked my hand out of his.

"Well, no, not necessarily. If we find your body and kill the man, everything will go back. Back to when you got lost walking home. You'll be okay and you won't remember anything that's happening right now. You won't even remember me."

"How could I have seen you? Before all of this?"

"That's because I'm in a human form to be more interactive with you, but I guess that's now kind of pointless." He got up.

"Wait, now what?" I jumped up off the couch.

"We're retracing your steps."

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