Chapter 4: Him

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This week has been pretty much the same. Lucy and Cal were the only ones I've been talking to. I actually came to the conclusion that I liked them. Lucy and Cal really knew how to goof off.

For example, yesterday in Science class, we had a substitute, and apparently this allowed the opportunity for Cal to pull a prank. It wasn't the cleverest prank, but it was pretty damn funny to see the shocked look on the sub's face when he sat on a whoopie cushion that Cal had placed under the seat while the sub's back was to us.

This did make me wonder if Cal just randomly carried a whoopie cushion around in case the opportunity ever presented itself.

That was probably the case.

I decided to walk home today, figuring I didn't live far from school, and the fact that it was rather nice out.

Although, the sun was starting to set, making the atmosphere around me slightly colder.It was rather dark out for being a quarter till 4 o'clock.

I held my bag closer to my body, listening to the traffic pass me by.

I wonder if I'll start making more friends, I mean, I know it's only been a week, but still. I'm not complaining about being friends with Lucy and Cal or anything, it's just weird that no one else had made the slightest bit of communication with me. Is there something wrong with me? Am I just too shy?

I was so lost in thought, that I hadn't realized I'd walked into an alley way.

The air here felt different, heavier maybe. And it seemed colder, darker.

Getting an eerie feeling, I decided to turn around and head the right way.

I slung my bag over my shoulders, allowing me an easier way to pick up my speed.

I was almost to turning the corner when I suddenly tripped.

I fell face first, my cheek slapping against pavement. I groaned in pain.

I quickly tried getting up, turning around to notice that I didn't trip over my own foot like I thought I had, someone had tripped me.

I was face to face with a scruffy looking man, the alley way too dark for me to notice any features.

Right as I was about to scream in shock, my back was slammed against the nearest wall.

I winced in pain, instantly praying that I won't end up being killed.

A hand flew up against my mouth, my screams becoming muffled.

Shit shit shit.

"So, out alone are we?" His voice was deep and raspy, his breath reeked of alcohol.

I obviously couldn't say anything so instead, I tried prying him off me.

Being unsuccessful at this attempt, he took his other hand and grabbed my wrist, tightening it as much as he possibly could.

Tears were streaming down my face, my vision becoming blurry.

This all seemed so surreal, I was totally and utterly horrified.

So, I did the only thing I could think of. I drew my knee up and kneed him in the groin as hard as I could.

Surprisingly, he freed me. He fell to his knees and grabbed his man hood.

I quickly stood on my feet and tried running away, only to be face to face with the concrete once again.

He'd grabbed onto my ankle, and pulled me towards him.

My stomach was against the ground, as I felt him sit on me to keep me from moving.

I heard a click.

Wondering as to what it was, I almost instantly found out.

The cold metal was against the side off my back, I could already feel the blade digging into me.

It was a pocket knife.

I tried so hard to free myself from underneath him without getting rammed with the knife.

"Please don't, stop!"

It seemed as if those three words didn't do me any good.

I heard a raspy, creepy laugh escape his lips.

Then, I felt it. The cold metal was stabbed into my side.

That's all I remember when everything seemed to blur away.



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