Chapter 5: Awake

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The smell of the early fall air surrounded me. Enveloping me to a point where I couldn't escape. Even with my eyes shut, I knew my window was open, light peaking through.

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling inexplicably drowsy.

And, yes, the window was open.

Odd, I don't remember it being open. Maybe Anne opened it.

Something I can't quite explain how, but I know something isn't right.

I got up off the bed, dragging my feet along the floor to the bathroom. Wait, what time it is? I glanced over to my alarm clock, and sure enough, I was late to school. Very late.

Why didn't Anne or Patrick wake me up?

I hurried and got ready, throwing on a pair of sweats and a plain white tee. I ran down the stairs noticing that Anne and Patrick left for work already.

Guess it's time to run to school.

While running down Wucket road, I felt as if I were lighter. I've been eating like I normally do, there is no way I would've lost as much weight as it feels like.

I continued my way to school, showing up on the front steps. As I walked in, the third bell rang, signalling it was time for lunch.

I walked through the crowds of people, in search of Lucy. I saw her black and red hair sitting right next to Cal, where they always sit.

A smile of relief wiped across my face as I walked up to the table and sat down.

I sighed, "Hey, guys. I got up so late. What did I miss in first and second?"

Lucy and Cal just sat there, no expression on their faces. They looked glum, which they never do. Especially Cal.

Neither of them looked up or said a word.

"Guys, is everything okay?"


"Hello?! Why are you guys ignoring me?"

At this point, I became very frustrated.

I reached to nudge Lucy's arm, when I felt a strong grip quickly grasp my wrist.

"Don't. Come with me." The voice sounded familiar.

I was being dragged into an empty hallway, a pretty far ways down from the cafeteria.

The boy turned around, and I was greeted with beautiful golden eyes. Familiar golden eyes.

I yanked my wrist out of his grasp, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I exhaled.

He just looked at me, studying me.

"You need to stick with me all day. I don't care if we have the same class or not, you are not leaving my side. Got it?"

"And who do you think you-" He cut me off by grabbing my wrist again.

"Got it?" He demanded.

I had no idea what the hell was going on, but it felt as if I had no choice but to do as he said.

"Yeah, I got it."

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