Leaving Hollow

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Link's POV

Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower (???)

"Why are you back?" I exclaimed as Hollow approached me.

He seemed sorry. "I apologize, Astor. In that moment, I was overtaken by Ganondorf's magic. He forced me to push you into the water. I am sincerely sorry for what I did."

It seemed genuine, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. "Fine, you can stay. But if one more thing happens, you're gone."

Hollow smiled. "Thank you, hero. And I think you'll be glad to hear that I've left the Demon King. He can find another way to..." it smiled. "...defeat us."


No one's POV (Wow! Finally a third person part!)

Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower (After Link's Dragon Tear vision ended)

"Gh- Wha- urhg..." Link coughed up some water.

"Are you all right?" Hollow asked the former hero. It had pulled him out of the pond before he could drown, unfortunately cutting off the Dragon Tear vision.

"Y-yes." Link was better now, but his head was full of questions about the strange vision. Questions that Hollow couldn't answer. Not wanting to tell a servant of darkness, he stayed quiet about it. "Wh- what the hell was that for, anyway? You... You pushed me in! You worthless-" Link used his Malice-infected arm to grab Hollow by its strange cloak/scarf. 

"Stop!" Hollow yelled. "It wasn't- wasn't me! It was-"

"I know," said Link. "And I can't trust you anymore knowing that at any point, Ganondorf could just...take full control of you and kill me!" He let go of Hollow and turned away. "Please. I don't want you here. I don't care if you kill me now."

Hollow wasn't sure what to do next. It couldn't really see Link's face from this angle to read his expression, but it got the feeling that going to see would upset Link further, so it left.


???'s POV

Puffer Beach (Around the same time as the last scene)

Going this way... would get me to Lurelin Village eventually, right...?

I hoped so.

Hylia, please don't let me die. I just want to get back home. Please... I'm desperate...

I hadn't walked far, and I was nowhere near exhausted, but I collapsed to the ground. Why...why me? Why was everything happening to me? Why?

I just lay on the ground. Maybe I wasn't physically exhausted, but using that much magic made me sleepy. Maybe just for a little while, I could rest...

Wait! No, there's something, or...someone...

"Hey, you!"

I turned around, surprised by the voice. "Hello?"

I heard a strange POOF sound, and I quickly whirled around to see two Yiga Footsoldiers. "Hey, you! What are you doing out here like that?! Number one, you either gotta have on the whole uniform or be your normal self! Number two, you- wait-" He stopped for a second.

"Um, wh-what?" My voice was shaky, but I tried to stay as confident as possible. I was failing.

"You're- you're that Sheikah girl! The one that the Magnificent One chose!" the first one exclaimed. "Why are you out here though?"

"I-" At first, I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't tell them the truth, but a lie would be hard to remember and keep. I'll take my chances... "Ganondorf- we, um... well, I... was a "failure". I wasn't good enough, so he left me here..." A good enough mix of the two. Hopefully they don't kill me.

"WHAT?!" The second one exclaimed. "The Magnificent One's name is Ganondorf?! And he breaks the Yiga Clan code?! That's horrible! We thought so many good things about him when he finally recognized us, but now..."

These guys were a little odd, but at least I wasn't dead yet. "Wh...what?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

"The Yiga Clan code!" the first one exclaimed. "You can never leave! Isn't Lord Ganondorf concerned about our great secrets being uncovered?!"

"Yeah!" said the second one. "Come on, Sheikah, we gotta get back to the hideout to report this!"

"O-okay..." I was still unsure, but I had nothing left to lose.


Ganondorf's POV

Beneath Hyrule Castle (After the last scene with Hollow in it)

I used a small bit of my power to bring Astor's guide back to me.

I needed a better plan.

"Ghirahim. Or is it 'Hollow' now?" I glared at the thing. "You disobeyed me. As a Hollow, you went out of your way to lie to Astor. What is wrong with the name I assigned you?"

It shuddered. "F-forgive me, Lord Ganondorf, but I-" it paused for a moment. "...Odd. Anyways, I- I don't...feel right as 'Ghirahim'. I'm sorry. And...what did you just do to me?"

"I wish I could destroy you, but this is all a part of my plan. As soon as we're done here, you will return to Astor and convince him that you've changed and you're no longer with me. Your new personality will help convince him. But once you find out something important, tell me. I need all of his potential weaknesses, but by the time his job is done, he will be too strong to instantly obliterate. I need you to stay with him the entire journey." My menacing expression was enough for it to agree with my plan. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now go." With a snap of my fingers and a burst of dark magic, Ghir- Hollow was teleported back to Astor.

Don't fail me, Hollow. You know what happened to Sheik. Don't end up like them.


Author's note

Gonna keep writing because it's hard to place the end of the chapter sometimes so uh...

Yeah short chapter but I needed the threat to be the end lol

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