Chasing Yunobo

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Third person POV (at this point, are we ever getting another first person? lol)

YunoboCo HQ (???)

Slergo and Offrak trembled as they watched Link and Paya emerge from the cave.

"L-Link! You're back... and... President Yunobo...?"

Yunobo glanced away for a second. "I- I'm sorry, Goro... I... I didn't mean to-"

He was cut off by the two young carvlings. "YOU DID IT! You two got the President back!"

Yunobo grinned at them. "...I guess they did. Maybe... well, I'm gonna make it up to everyone."


Third person POV (because I need practice lol)

Goron City (Following Link and Paya)

Once the two travelers had finished their depressing shopping spree in the Corrupted city, they decided to start following Yunobo. Link saw the Purah Pad flicker for a second before a large yellow dot appeared in the middle of nowhere, marked "Yunobo of Goron City". 

I wonder how it does that...and I don't even have the map of this place, Link thought to himself, feeling his stomach sink as he thought more about their situation with Yunobo.

A question for another day. Let's just follow it.

Meanwhile, Paya was angrily ranting about the things Yunobo said. "Th-the nerve!" she huffed, pacing around in a circle as Link studied their surroundings. "He said all those things and disrespected his elders...and i-in front of children, no less!"

Link looked down as they walked, kicking around a few pebbles as they made their way to a strange place, with... minecarts? The hero instinctively reached for the Sheikah Slate, before he remembered it was gone. Oh, yeah. Instead, he held up his right arm...

A small metal mine cart was lifted into the air by strands of Gloom, and set onto the track. Link felt a searing pain when he used this magic, but it could be ignored...yeah...

"Oh, wait!" Link and Paya turned to look at the nearby Hylian who'd called out to them. He pointed at their mine cart, saying "That fan is a little low on energy, so it might be slower than usual... sorry for the inconvenience!"

"I don't mind," Link said, smiling as he stepped into the cart along with Paya. "Hey, maybe if the trip is gonna be slower, we can take a moment to go over, well... everything. It's been...crazy."

Paya definitely agreed with that.


As the mine cart started its slower-than-usual descent down the gente slope of the track, they started to talk about their journey. How Paya had been kidnapped and forced into the role of "Sheik", forced to drag Link onto the same dark path as "Astor", even corrupting the hero.

However, Link wouldn't give in to easily. He followed Sheik's guidance, obtaining the abilities Phase (allowing him to phase through solid objects), Corrupt (giving him the ability to control living things and objects like puppets, using the power of Gloom and Malice), Puppet (which would summon a weak Hollow monster that his consciousness would be temporarily transferred to), and Obliterate (an ability that lets him destroy weak objects using magic)... but would not join their side.

He then proved himself to Rauru and the Light Dragon and reached the surface. 

Meanwhile, "Sheik" fought against Ganondorf's control, and the struggle ended with the Yiga ninja revealing themselves as Paya before teleporting away, revealing the truth that Ganondorf did not care at all about his minions to the Yiga Clan, and returning home to Kakariko village.

[DISCONTINUED] Linked to the Malice (TotK AU)Where stories live. Discover now