Colgera's Defeat

107 7 11

Link's POV

??? (???)


What happened...?

I don't remember anything.


Who is it?

"We unofficially met a few days ago. When you were betrayed by your 'guide'."

That... I remember now...

Why are you back?

No...why am I back?


Paya's POV

Kakariko Village (Right after that last scene)


My message floated away, into the darkness where no one received it. He's gone. Link has slipped away from us.

One last thing. One last trick up my sleeve. This has proven to be very useful, but...will it work on Tulin? It has to. Master Link believed in the young Rito.

"Tulin!" I curled my fingers into claws. Gloom poured out of my palms. "I need to see Tulin of Rito Village!"

In a burst of dark magic, I was...there.

Well, not really. Master Link lay on the ground near the stone ring, lifeless. I was unsure if he was asleep or not. I tried not to assume the worst, looking away from the helpless hero.

There he was! Tulin soared above me, frantically shooting at the terrifying beast of ice and Gloom that Link had set free.

I couldn't help the Rito yet. Not yet.

"TULIN!" I exclaimed. The roaring wind drowned out my voice.


"Paya?! What are you-" Tulin swiftly dodged an attack from the brutal enemy. "You're here?!"

"Not quite," I said in his mind. "But I can see you. And you can see me. Master Link told me to guide you, since...well, I'm sure you can see for yourself."

"What happened to him?!" Tulin was scared. "I-is he...?"

"Worry later, Tulin. For now, you need to find a way to hit Colgera's- the monster's weak points. Do you see those stone spikes? They're covering the place you need to shoot!"

"What? But I don't have anything that can do that!" Tulin exclaimed. Then, Colgera began launching its only protection at the Rito. "Oh. Well, guess I gotta hurry!"

As soon as Colgera took a second to rest, the Rito warrior swooped in, shooting barrages of arrows at the beast! A hit! Colgera shrieked in pain, rushing away!

"That's great! Keep going!" I encouraged Tulin. He kept dodging and shooting, and it seemed like he was winning, but then I remembered. If he weakens Colgera too much, it'll-

WHOOSH! A bunch of whirlwinds appeared! Tulin panicked, flying away as fast as he could. But it wasn't fast enough.

"TULIN!" I exclaimed as the small Rito was knocked backwards! What do I do, what do I do?! He's falling slowly thanks to the strong updrafts, but that beast is sure to defeat him if he can't fight back! I have to protect him now, or it'll be too late!

I'm sorry, Grandmother...but this is for the greater good! I reached into my mind and locked onto Link's body. N-not like that! I was just trying to find a g-good place to warp! I clenched my fist, and Gloom surrounded me. It clung to my hand, though, after I teleported... I-I'm sure it's nothing! I need to save these two!

The Gloom glowed when I burst into the air, shining a brilliant red. I tried to focus, projecting my spell at Tulin but preventing him from being Corrupted, if the magic worked as intended. The Rito was safely lowered to the ground, or at least I hoped. Goddess Hylia, please save him from Corruption and death...

Now for you. I looked at Colgera, trying desperately to hide the fear in my eyes.

"An excellent creation, Lord Ganondorf," Sheik smiled as Colgera came into existence. "But if I may, I have one small suggestion."

"Very well. What would you like to add?" The Demon King seemed intrigued by Sheik's idea.

"What if we were to allow it to sense emotion? We know that it may have difficulties with agility, but its appearance alone may be enough to terrify the Rito tribe. What if it changed its attack styles depending on the fighter's emotions?"

"Thank you for your wisdom, Sheik."

"I'm not afraid of you." I materialized a few Bomb Flowers with the help of some Gloom, and Colgera shrieked at me, disappearing into a strange, distorted bubble.

Before I knew it, Colgera was right below me! I was able to dodge just in time, but its razor-sharp jaws of ice left me with a large cut. Gh...please forgive me, Grandmother...

I know I promised you never to use this dark magic again, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Save Link. That is my mission.


Hellooooooooooooo guysss

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(Y'all should go check out my shitpost compilation! Just scroll all the way to the bottom of my fic list) (It's mostly art but recently there's also like 3 chapters of SMG34 art) (uhh)

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Lmao I aint cut out for this Youtube outro crap- well anyway thank you everyone for so much support and stuff, even though it's getting harder to consistently write this cause of school. Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get it out sooner.

Fuck KOSA, and have a good time of day, whatever it is! 


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