Karusa Valley

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No one's POV

Rito Village (???)

"Oh my gosh, Tulin!" Link exclaimed. "It's been a while since I've seen you, what's going on though?"

The young Rito was happy to see Link, but they were both concerned about the huge Hebra storm. "I'm happy to see you too, Link, but the storm... It's getting harder to find stuff, and we needed to send out everyone who could help... except for me..." He glared at Teba.

Teba sighed. "It's nice to see you again, hero. And I suppose Tulin has grown taller, though not yet grown up." 

That annoyed Tulin. "Well, maybe I would if you didn't treat me like a hatchling all the time!"


Link's POV

Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower (After swimming to it)

"Why are you back?" I exclaimed as Hollow approached me.

He seemed sorry. "I apologize, Astor. In that moment, I was overtaken by Ganondorf's magic. He forced me to push you into the water. I am sincerely sorry for what I did."

It seemed genuine, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. "Fine, you can stay. But if one more thing happens, you're gone."

Hollow smiled. "Thank you, hero. And I think you'll be glad to hear that I've left the Demon King. He can find another way to..." it smiled. "...defeat us."

"Wait, what?" Hollow could just...disobey Ganondorf? That was strange. But I guess Hollows made by strong magic-users would be stronger, maybe strong enough to break free... "That's...great! I'm sorry for the way I treated you, Hollow. I didn't trust you at first. And...you're acting different now, kind of. Like, in a way that Ganondorf wouldn't want a servant that caters to his every whim to act?"

He laughed more naturally now (even if it sounded kind of evil it was an improvement). "I suppose. And...I think we should try to bring peace to Hyrule now. We've both stopped listening to evil, so there's only one path left to take."

"Yeah, I agree," I said. "Where should we go now, Hollow? Hebra's close, so I thought-"

"About that," he said, interrupting me. "I think I'd like to go by something else."

"Oh! Of course. I'm sorry. What do you want me to call you?"

"Oh, no!" he said. "You shouldn't apologize for anything, hero. It's just my new name that matters now. Allow me to properly introduce myself." He turned away from me for a moment. Weird, like he was having his own little "scene" or something. But I didn't think anything of it.

It turned back to face me. "I am your newly-free Hollow guide, and you may call me Ghirahim."


???'s POV

Karusa Valley (Idk like a few minutes after the last Mystery Character scene)

"Hey," I said as we neared the Yiga Clan Hideout. "Th...thank you for helping me."

"No problem!" said the first one enthusiastically. "Happy to help any member of the clan! Plus, you're pretty important. I dunno if you've heard of this, but everyone's been calling you the lucky "chosen one" who got to be Lord Ganondorf's right hand man! Or, er, woman. Anyway, I can't believe he broke the Yiga Code!"

"Y-yeah, me neither," I stuttered. "Oh, we're here..."

The second Footsoldier walked up to the door and knocked. "Hey, open up! Something happened, and the chosen one got kicked out!"

The Blademaster on the other side of the door seemed to know that we were Yiga, so he opened it. "Soldier, you know that's against the rules. You cannot leave the Yiga Clan. And I will not tolerate one more excu-" He stopped mid-sentence once he saw me. "...excuse. But I suppose your punishment will have to come another day. Welcome, Sheik. I have many questions."

(Timeskip brought to you by OT Airli-)


After being let in and given new, non-Yiga clothes, I breathed a sigh of relief. "I can answer your questions now."

The Blademasters and Footsoldiers were all at the entrance of the hideout, eager to hear about my experiences. The questions came flooding in.

"What happened?"

"Why did he choose you?"

"He didn't really break the code, right?!"

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

"If the Magnificent One really got rid of you, can I take your place?"

I was slightly overwhelmed by all their questions, but a Blademaster silenced everyone. "Soldiers, wait your turn. Sheik can only answer one at a time," he said, turning to me. "Now, Sheik. Is it true? Did Lord Ganondorf really force you to leave the Clan? That is against the rules, and we would like to know if he did."

I sighed. "That's not the full story... I'm sorry. But yes, he did allow me, an ex-Yiga Clan member to live. The truth is, I never wanted to be a part of this. He forced me, and I escaped."

Everyone gasped. "Th-that's even worse!" "What?!" "He can't do that!"

The Blademaster silenced them again. "Sheik...that was horrible. I am sorry for what he did to you. But that is also a broken rule. We cannot force anyone to become a part of the clan. That kind of dark magic is reserved for the monsters who have already devoted themselves to Lord Ganondorf."

"What? He...broke the rules of the Yiga Clan? But I thought-"

"Hey, whatever you think, it's probably wong!" yelled a Footsoldier. "The Demon King didn't even acknowledge our existence until about a month ago!"

"Really?" This was surprising news to me. I had always assumed that the Yiga and Ganon had worked together, but I guess they didn't. "Well... I'm sorry I caused everyone so much trouble. But I'm free now, and I'll leave now, if that's okay... just... can one of you maybe help me teleport?"

"Of course, Sheik. I'm sorry. That's the name the Demon King gave you, isn't it? What would you like us to call you?"

I smiled, thankful for the Blademaster's help. "Paya."

[DISCONTINUED] Linked to the Malice (TotK AU)Where stories live. Discover now