Chapter Seven Fights

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October 17, 2015, 9:30 am, Violet's POV

    Am I proud of it? No. But does it happen?... Well, yes. I see it and run screeching from the room, down the stairs, and right into a very concerned Itzal's arms.

    "Violet," Itzal says, patting me down, and I realize I'm probably in trouble once he realizes what I was actually running from. Feet run into the foyer from almost all directions, and each is armed. Leonard is the first to realize it is not exactly an emergency after he gets a good look at my face, and he rolls his eyes and puts a pistol in his hands on a nearby table.

    "Violet, why are you screaming?" Leonard says, not happy in the least, and Itzal looks at him like he is crazy for not reacting, and then he looks at me and sighs. Victor curses under his breath and puts his gun back in the holster under his blazer. But Camile... Camile is holding a coiled whip.

    "Why the hell would you bring that!" I exclaim with cartoon-wide eyes, and he gives me an annoyed look back.

    "Why screaming?" He counters, and I flush.

    "There is a massive grasshopper in my room. Massive! Like MASSIVE!" I say this because they look like they're going to return to business.

    "You swore to protect me from harm." I remind Itzal as I look up at him, and he snorts.

    "The grasshopper is threatening you with violence?" He says, amused, and I nod quickly.

    "He looked right at me and said, 'This is my room now,'" I lie with a straight face, and Victor cracks a small smile. Leonard, though, does not even twitch, Itzal chuckles, and Camile sighs and turns back around to return down the north hall.

    "Okay, I'll help," Victor says, surprising me, and Camile turns back around immediately.

    "Where?" Camile says, and the rest instantly kick into gear, much to Victor's annoyance.

    "I will kill it." Itzal tries to one-up Victor, and I shake my head frantically.

    "You can't kill it. Just kindly rehome him somewhere else." I say, and Leo snorts as he begins racing Victor up the stairs, 'They aren't going to kill it, are they?' I question myself and then race up behind them.

    "An eviction! Not a death! NO, Camile, they aren't the same thing." I yell as he runs past me.

    "You better not have killed it! You guys didn't kill it! Right!" I say, and once I turn the corner to my room, I am greeted by guilty looks. 'I got the grasshopper killed.' I think, and I take a breath and another, feeling horrible for the littl-massive hopper.' My eyes fill with tears, and I glare at them, 'Why are they so messed up?!'

    "Why?" I whisper and then smack the tear on my face right as Itzal comes in behind me.

    "Are you crying?" Camile says in disbelief, and I glare at him and harshly wipe another tear, and Victor and Leonard seem alarmed as they stare at me.

    "No!" I hiss, and Itzal nods to Camile in disagreement, and I glare at him.

   "He didn't die. Victor broke his leg." Leonard retorts, and Victor's look should turn Leonard to ash.

   "Leonard did!" Victor snarls, and Leonard shakes his head, giving me a 'trust me' look, and I can't decide which is lying.

    "It is okay," Itzal says, looking like he is trying not to laugh at me, and I want to stop crying, but I'm mad. 'And when I'm really mad, I cry. Which is the most counterproductive thing ever!'

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