7th floor

799 54 3

They were all now walking out of the cafeteria, getting ready to go their separate ways. "Do you think it would be bad if I skipped my stats class?" Heeseung huffed as he kicked a rock in front of them. "Why do I even need it?! I'm in music production, not accounting."

Sunoo grabbed the back of Heeseung's backpack, pulling him in the way of his class. "Hyung, you're practically failing, you can't afford to miss another class." Heeseung rolled his eyes. "It's not like you did any better, at least I have a passing grade."

Sunoo let go of Heeseungs backpack, crossing his arms. "A 52 is not something to be proud of hyung."

Heeseung raised his eyebrows. "Compared to your 33 I think I'm doing pretty well."

Sunoo tilted his head at Heeseung, ready to pounce. "Listen here genuis." A big hand grasping around his own stalled his speech completely. "Hyung, stop terrorizing your friends and let's go." Sunoo still wasn't used to Niki calling him hyung.

Sunghoon and Heeseung looked at Niki astounded while Jake's mouth dropped. "Wow, usually it takes us a couple of tries to get him to shut up. I can't believe we've finally found someone he listens to."

Sunghoon chuckled under his breath. "I wonder if you listen to him in-"

"You finish that sentence I will be sure you never see the light of day again." Sunghoon shrieked and hid behind Niki.

Heeseung was suddenly called by a group of friends, so he went with them to his next class. Sunghoon and Jake followed suit after saying goodbye to the couple, inviting him out with them again.

Once the two were outside and most people were out of earshot, Sunoo let out a dramatic sigh "That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do." He turned to Niki with his arms crossed. "Why do you have to say cheesy shit like that! It's so embarrassing."

"That's exactly why I do it, to embarrass you. You also get really flustered by it which is hilarious."

Sunoo's eyes widened in offense. "I do not get flustered by those stupid comments!"

"Oh really?" Niki took a step close to Sunoo, grabbing his hand. "Would you like me to walk you home baby?" Sunoo paused for a second, completely entranced. Niki smirked at him, making Sunoo angrily shake his hand out of Niki's and turn around. "Are you not going to say anything?" Sunoo really wanted to slap that smirk off Niki's face, but he didn't want to look at him as he knew his face was still red. "Go home Niki."

Without looking back Sunoo starts to walk toward his apartment. After about ten minutes, Sunoo realizes that Niki is still walking behind him.

He huffs and turns around, almost running into Niki. "Why are you following me?" He crosses his arms as Niki raises an eyebrow, "Following you? I'm not following you, I live in this direction." He gives Niki a once-over and turns around without a word.

After about another 5 minutes he makes it into his apartment building, making his way into the elevator. He's about to press the button to close the door before someone leisurely walks in making his eyes widen. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Niki scoffed. "Why would I waste my time on you."

Sunoo pressed his lips together and pressed the 5th-floor button. "Well you're following me now aren't you? Doesn't this count as wasting your time?" Niki chuckled, shaking his head. "Nope." Just as the elevator reached Sunoo's floor, Niki went to press the 7th-floor button.

He just stares at Niki. "You have got to be kidding me."

"The door is about to close, bye bye!" Niki gave him a teasing wave as the elevator door closed.

All Sunoo did was inwardly curse at Niki as he walked into his apartment.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now