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"I feel like I should tell you more about what happened." The older one shook his head. "What? You don't have to do that."

"I don't, but I want to. I trust you and I want to share my past with you." Now it was sunoo's turn to blush.

"Me and Minjun got together in highschool." He remembered the day so vividly. It had been one of his favourite memories (at the time). The guy he liked liked him back. "Grade 9 actually." It was a huge deal. Not only because they were popular kids, but because they were gay and open about their relationship. Thankfully the school and community weren't very conservative.

"We had a very nasty breakup a couple months before we both graduated." Everyone knew. Literally everyone knew and it just made everything worse. "He cheated on me with one of my best friends, as you know."

Sunoo was still in awe of this. He could never imagine stealing a partner from his best friends. How cruel do you have to be?

"After the cheating thing, I also I found out that he, um," Niki paused, he never knew how to bring this topic up. He knew saying it stating he out would be too much, so he opted into easing into the story in hopes that Sunoo would catch on.

"I don't know if you've realized but I always leave my phone out in the hallway when I sleep."

Hearing this completely out of context confused Sunoo, but he still gave the comment a thought. "The night you were really drunk, did you move my phone too?" Sunoo had woken up to his alarm which was unusually faint, thank god he was a light sleeper. He walked out of the room and found his phone alarm blaring in a corner near the front of his apartment. He didn't think much of it, assuming he had just left it there as he lugged Niki to his bed.

"Yeah, I had to move it. I can't sleep with phones in the room." Niki had remembered waking up to use the bathroom, seeing his and Sunoo's phone on the nightstand. Even in his drunken state, he panicked, rushing the phones out of the bedroom. It took him a couple minutes to calm himself down in the bathroom.

"When looking through his phone to find evidence of his cheating, I found pictures of me." He started playing with the grass beside him. "Technically nothing explicit, but there were so many photos of me asleep, lying in his bed. It doesn't sound bad saying it like this but the photos did nothing but make me uncomfortable." Occasionally taking pictures of your boyfriend sleeping wasn't abnormal, but Minjun had hundreds of him. Some of them were times where he didn't even know Minjun was around.

"It's so stupid but knowing phones are in the room when I'm not aware freaks me out." He doesn't think this feeling will ever go away. "I even have my camera locked."

"I don't think it's stupid." His tone was sincere, this was an actual issue and Niki needed to know he wasn't being unreasonable.

"He didn't even do anything bad, I'm being over dramatic." He remembers going to his friends after finding out about Minjun's weird pictures. His friends only laughed, saying he was overreacting. That reaction shut Niki up, opting to never bring it up again.

Sunoo stared at Niki even with Niki's eyes being glued to the ground. "Is there anything I can do to ease the nerves?" Niki had a suggestion but hadn't decided to share it. He thought it was too invasive, especially with people who aren't technically in a relationship.


Sunoo squinted his eyes. "I can see your mind turning, I know you have a suggestion. I wanna know even if you think it's stupid."

"I think... if you let me look through your phone every once and a while my mind would be at ease. I know it's crazy— actually, forget it. It's too—"

"We can do that." Niki's head slowly turned to Sunoo. "Really? It's not too weird?"

Sunoo just shook his head. "If it makes you feel safer it's not weird at all. I've got nothing to hide anyway."

Niki was in awe, mumbling to himself. "Could he be any more perfect?"

"Hm?" Niki shrugged off the comment. Handling the embarrassment of his claim was not something he'd like to deal with.

And Sunoo, bless the beautiful man, didn't seem to push even though it looked like he really wanted to.

The silence was refreshing for a while, but eventually Sunoo started to dislike the absence of talking.

He brushed his knees, standing up. "Get up, I know a good ice cream spot."

Niki looked up at Sunoo who had his hand stretched out. "Do they have pistachio ice cream?"

Sure, Sunoo was there frequently as a child, but his eyes were always on the mint chocolate chip. He never really looked at the other flavors. "I don't know, why?"

Niki shook his head disapprovingly. "I don't wanna go if they don't have it." Sometimes Sunoo forgot how whiney Niki gets. The boy looks all tough but god is he different once you get to know him.

Funny thing is he complains about it but does nothing to change it. Deep down he enjoys babying the boy.

Regardless, Sunoo rolled his eyes. "You are so dramatic, let's go." Niki grabbed the hand, pulling himself up. "Can't believe you're calling me dramatic—"

"Nishimura you're on thin ice."

"Sorry, sorry. I'll gladly accept your hospitality." Sunoo shook his head fondly. "Yeah yeah, let's go before I change my mind." Niki beamed at Sunoo and he couldn't help but drop his annoyed expression to replace it with a smile.


guys I quite literally haven't checked any of this so please excuse any mistakes

I'm too tired to proof read uni is kicking my ass :|

OH and thank you for everyone supporting the story I love you all <333

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now