that's not true

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"You ask the first question then."

"Okay, when is your birthday?"

"December 9th, you?"

"June 24."

Niki's face scrunched up. "That makes sense, you look like a June baby."

Sunoo crossed his arms in front of him, slightly offended. "What is that supposed to mean?" Niki laid back against the couch, making himself comfortable. "That's for you to figure out."

Sunoo raked a hand through his hair. "You frustrate me very much, but I'm going to move on because we have a lot to talk about. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yup. A older brother named Jay. I also have a dog named bisco." Sunoo's face lit up. "You have a dog and you never told me?!"

"Usually he lives here with me, but one of his things broke. I ordered a new one but it's taking a while to get here. I brought him to my parents because he has one there." Sunoo's shoulders sank, disappointed he couldn't meet the dog. "When he does come back I'll let you know, he doesn't like new people though. Anyway, what's your favorite movie?"


Niki cackled. "Boring."

Sunoo blew out his cheeks. "What? Why is that boring? I'm sure your favorite movie is Thor or something."

"I'll have you know my favorite movie is the Princess and the Frog." Sunoo's jaw dropped. "You're kidding." Niki simply shook his head. "Not one bit. Disney movies are superior."

"I don't really watch Disney movies, I haven't even seen the movie you mentioned." The fact that Niki looked genuinely offended at the statement amused Sunoo to no end. "You've never watched the movie?! We are watching it when we're done with this, I can't be associated with someone who hasn't watched that movie."

"I'll only stay if you cook me dinner." Niki rolled his eyes but didn't object so Sunoo kept going. "Um, Why did you switch universities halfway through your second year?"

"The program there went to shit after the head of the department left." Sunoo hummed in understanding before his eyebrows furrowed. "Wait a minute, aren't you majoring in culinary arts? If you want to bake why are you in Jake's dance class?" Niki sighed, "I love dancing, just not enough to pursue it as a career. I see it as a fun but easy class to boost my overall grade. My turn for a question... what's your favourite colour?"

Sunoo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Stop with the shallow questions! No one is going to test you to see if you know about my favourite colour, you have to know at least some details about me."

Niki clicked his tongue in annoyance but listened anyway. "Fine... why did you decide to major in singing?" As soon as the question left his mouth, Niki saw Sunoo's face light up with a blissful expression. "Honestly, I do it because I love it."

He rested his cheek on his hand, glancing out the window. "Sometimes when I'm super sad or super angry I go to the studio and just sing. The way it makes me feel is unmatchable with almost everything. I think being able to convey a story to anyone regardless of wherever they're from is a beautiful thing."

His gaze eventually settled on Nikis passive face, causing Sunoo to clear his throat, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks. "Sorry, I kinda just rambled there." He started playing with the strings of his sweatpants, the happy expression no longer on his face. "And yes, I know it's a stupid reason to major in it. I am completely aware of the lack of job opportunities and instability associated with this career. Singing isn't something you base your life on, it is something that should just stay as a hobby. I do have backup plans if this doesn't work out as it probably won't."

Sunoo was reciting this as if it was some sort of script. It sounded rehearsed and completely forced. The way he was describing singing before did not match the way he was now describing it. Niki was confused, very confused. "What are you going on about? What do you mean it probably won't work out?"

Still, without looking at Niki, Sunoo somberly replied. "There aren't many job opportunities and the field is very competitive. You have to be the best of the best to start working as a singer and feeling like I could be a top vocalist is unrealistic and ridiculous." There he went again with that scripted speech. "Hyung, who told you that? That is absolutely not true-- wait no, everything you just said wasn't true."

The hands playing with his sweatpants stopped as he cautiously looked at Niki with an expression that looked like it had a sliver of hope. "Going into something because you love it isn't stupid, it's genius." Sunoo slowly sat up at Niki's impromptu speech. "Loving something makes you want to work harder and pushes you through difficulties or setbacks you face. And yes, the field is competitive, but if you think you can accomplish it, you'll be able to. Stop with the 'I'm not good enough' bullshit because you and I both know that's not true."

Niki was getting heated thinking about what asshole would drill something so negative into Sunoo's brain about something he absolutely loved. "Also, just because a career is unstable doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue it. It is good to have a backup plan, but quite frankly you should have a backup plan with almost every career as nothing is guaranteed to succeed."

The timer for the apple pie went off, effectively startling both of them. Niki got up to go take the pie but made sure to say one last thing. "Nothing is guaranteed to fail either, so don't give up hyung." Niki walked away as Sunoo was stunned.

He honestly didn't know how to react to what Niki just said, he had never gotten that reaction from the people he's told.

He was sure his friends would've said the same thing, but he never admitted this to them in fear of getting the response he got from almost everyone in his family. The random things Sunoo spewed were the collective thoughts of practically his whole family, (minus his brothers and maybe a few cousins). They were the reason he didn't feel comfortable about sharing this part of himself.

One could imagine hearing these things constantly would be damaging, and that's absolutely right. Sunoo had thought about changing his major many times. After a visit to his family or a lengthy phone call with his aunt, they would somehow persuade him to change into something else. And truthfully the only thing that stopped him every time was when he went to sing. Every time he had doubts, singing made them filter away as fast as they came.

Staying in his own world for a while, Niki came back, sitting on the couch with a thump, snapping Sunoo out of his daze. "Well, it's your turn right?" Sunoo nodded, deciding to process whatever the fuck just happened when he got home.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now