the morning after

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"Why do you look so exhausted?" Sunoo just rolled his eyes at Jake, cracking an egg in the pan on the stove. "Thanks for pointing that out."

Sunghoon snorted, sitting on the counter in the middle of the kitchen. "Remember I like my eggs runny." Sunoo flipped Sunghoon off. "Why do I do this for you?" Sunghoon gave him a bright smile, "You're the one who wants a ride to school."

On Fridays Sunghoon usually picks Sunoo up in exchange for breakfast. They both have classes at the same time today so this is an easy arrangement for them. But Jake is here which he finds weird as he doesn't have classes until after lunch.

Upon this realization, Sunoo turns around, pointing at Jake skeptically with his spatula. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Jake hops off the counter, grabbing a glass of water. "Sunghoonie helped me with a project yesterday so I decided to sleep over." He hopped back on the counter, "I also like my eggs runny just to let you know." Sunoo's lips made their way into a straight line, turning around. "I'd be careful, I have a hot pan on hand right now."

As he was finishing up at the stove, both Jake and Sunghoon got quiet. It threw Sunoo off but he was in the middle of flipping an egg so he didn't have time to turn around, opting to ask verbally. "Why did you guys go--" Arms slowly made their way around Sunoos waist, effectively scaring the shit out of him.

"Hi hyung." Niki's hands were clasped firmly around Sunoo's middle, head in the crook of his neck.  "I-- Niki why are you--" The fact that Sunoo could feel practically all of Niki pressed into his back rendered him unable to speak coherently. "Can you make me an egg too? I'm hungry." Niki was speaking quietly, voice still groggy from just waking up.

Still trying to get his shit together, he nodded silently, trying to make his way over to the fridge. "Niki I can't move, you have to let me go." Niki shook his head in Sunoo's neck. He sighed gently, delicately unwrapping Nikis hands from his middle. "Sweetheart you have to let go of me."

He lightly tapped Niki's cheek with a smile. "Stop pouting and go sit beside Sunghoon and Jake." Sunoo stilled, holy shit those two are still here.

He slowly looked over to the two, seeing them silently giggling. His cheeks flushed a deep red, awkwardly laughing. "He is very clingy when he's hungover."

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure he's just hungover?" Sunoo's face scrunched in confusion as Jake added to Sunghoon's comment. "He's wearing your clothes Sun, I wonder what that means?"

Sunoo's eyes widened and his face deepened in colour (if that was even possible). He spluttered for an answer as the two just broke out into laughter.

Niki started chuckling behind him, making him aware of the fact that Niki had somehow made his way to backhugging him again. The two boys in front of him somehow found Niki's laughter a confirmation of their suspicions. Jake slipped off the counter. "Goddamn Sunoo is getting action." Sunoo's followed suit, "Jake they've been together for a while, this is probably a regular occurrence." Sunghoon wiggles his eyebrows at Sunoo while walking past them.

The two boys stood at the door. "Breakfast is burnt so let's go to the cafe close to the university." Sunoo's eyebrows shot up as he looked at the blackened egg on the stove. "We're going to go wait in my car, meet us down there after you get dressed." Sunoo's opened the door, giving them one last teasing look. "No funny business though, we have classes to get to."

Sunoos head fell into his hands as Niki gave them a small wave, his sleepiness starting to wear off. "Yup, we'll meet you down there. I just have to go to my apartment to change, it's only two floors up."

As the door closed Sunoo went over and hit Niki on the back of his head. "You idiot what were you doing?" Niki shrugged his shoulders, obviously amused.

Sunoo just gave him a dirty look, pushing him towards the door. "Go get changed and meet me downstairs." Niki simply gave him a lopsided grin, walking out the door to go up to his apartment.

And when the 5 of them got together after school, jokes of his flustered face that morning were scattered throughout their evening.

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now