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The wedding was absolutely beautiful. Sunoo had been part of the preparations but seeing them in action was completely different. Watching his brother get married was an unforgettable experience.

They both had a good time sitting at their table. It was them, Jungwon and Jay, and a random cousin and her girlfriend. They all got along well, bonding over the subtle annoyance of the rest of the family.

The speeches and dinner finally finished, meaning it was time that everyone truly started to mingle. Niki and Sunoo had avoided most of Sunoo's family up until this point, but Sunoo knew he couldn't delay it anymore.

"Okay, let's get all the interactions out of the way so I can go and get tipsy and dance on the dance floor." The determination in Sunoo's face was equally entertaining and adorable. "Follow my lead and don't go astray."

The interactions were interesting.

Some of them were heartwarming as it seemed like the person was genuinely happy for Sunoo. Niki loved those people.

However, some of them were terrible, uncomfortable, and infuriating (to Niki at least). Some felt the need to take silent blows at Sunoo's goals or 'lack' of success.

An aunt even said that Sunoo was too unattractive to date Niki. Honestly if Sunoo hadn't stopped him from decking every single guest they talked to, some sort of fight would've broken out.

After all this, they, more or less Sunoo, had a blast on the dance floor. He was having just as much fun, but he really had to go to the bathroom.

Niki went to the washroom, insisting on going alone. Sunoo reluctantly agreed, eventually deciding on going to find his eldest brother.

"Sunoo." He stopped in his tracks, taking a deep breath. He turned around to look at the women he had been avoiding all night. "Mother." He gave her a tight lipped smile, her not even acknowledging it. However his dad did give him a small grin.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Her arms crossed, tone accusatory.

"He's gone to the bathroom, he'll be back soon." Her eyebrows raised. "Really? Why is he talking to that women over there? They look like they're having an awful lot of fun."

He turned his attention to the side, glancing at Niki animatedly laughing with a beautiful woman. Sunoo couldn't lie and say his stomach didn't slightly tighten at the sight. His mother obviously noticed that. "It seems like he's lost interest in you already."

He took a deep breath to calm down. His mother doesn't need to see how her comments affect him, he's only learned that his reactions fuel her fire.

"He is allowed to talk to other people." Sunoo trusts him. His mom does not look convinced. "Really?

"Listen, I don't know why you're meddling in my relationship. We are happy and I trust him, is that so hard to believe?" His mom shrugged and crossed her arms. Sunoo let out a breath in disbelief, was she serious? "All you ever do is shit on me and everything I do. If I'm such a failure shouldn't the blame land on you? You're the one who raised me."

That pissed her off. Her sole weakness was insults to her reputation - something that she cared about more than her whole family.

"My terrible attitude reflects a lot on your character, no?"

He was happy he was standing up to his mother. Was his brother's wedding the best place to do it? No. But they were off to the side, not causing much of a scene.

Regardless, Sunoo should've kept his mouth shut because his mother was angry. Like angry angry.

Fire was radiating from her eyes and if possible smoke would be coming out of her ears. "You've got quite an attitude for someone who's going to go nowhere in life." Sunoo's angered face fell at the unwarranted comment. Even his dad looked shocked. "You are disrespecting the people who have raised you. I did not teach you to speak with your mother this way, someone who has actual goals in life."

What the fuck. So much for his keeping the fight going.

"You are a disappointment Sunoo." His heart finally fell to his feet as he tried to blink back tears. "I shouldn't have raised someone like you, but I can't fix you now can I? I'm stuck with a pathetic excuse of a son."

He's endured the quippy comments. He's seen the disgusted looks thrown his way. He's heard every single indirect insult comparing him to his brothers. Deep down he knew his mother thought like this, but he's never heard her say it out right.

The person who was supposed to love him, the person who was supposed to always protect him just admitted to hating him, not wanting him. And as much as he hates her. As much as he wishes he'd never see her again, she's still his mother. He still craves her validation and love, he always had.

He thought he'd come to terms with these feelings a while ago. He worked for years to suppress these emotions but this evoked something in him. Hearing her say this tore a piece of his heart out.

All he could do was gape at her riled face with tears running down his cheeks and his hands fisted so tight he swore he was making himself bleed.

He didn't know why he was acting like this. He was supposed to be strong. He was supposed to be showing his mother how her words did nothing to him. It pissed him off that he couldn't stop the tears or the slight tremble in his legs.

All he wanted to do was run. He needed to find Niki before he had a complete breakdown in this wedding hall but he couldn't move. His mothers stare weighed him down so much he swore he was going to fall into the floor.

Would someone be there to catch him or would his mother just watch and laugh at her pathetic son melting into the floor.

His dejection only increased as he felt his stomach tighten and his legs feel more wobbly. Then someone grabbed him. Someone grabbed his waist to place him slightly behind him as if to protect him.

At the realization that it was Niki, he grasped the back of his shirt, burying his head between his shoulder blades in an effort to ground himself.

Contrary to Sunoo's shaken self, Niki was seething. Anyone looking his way would cower away in fear. "I think it is insane how much you berate and tear down your own son."

His words were clear and concise, not giving the mother any time to talk. He didn't want to waste any time as he wanted to comfort the distressed Sunoo behind him. He also didn't want to hear a word from the appalled woman in front of him.

"Have you ever stopped and looked at the dejected look on his face? The body language of a boy who has had almost all of his confidence drained by a selfish, inconsiderate woman who claimed to be a mother?" He was being mean and he didn't care one bit. "Your son is more than enough to love and I'm so sorry that you will never see the absolutely amazing person that he is."

"I genuinely don't know what you see in him, he has nothing." Good god was she pushing her luck.

He's not a violent person and he sure as hell wouldn't hit a woman, but there has never been anyone he has wanted to punch more than the woman standing in front of him.

"There are so many reasons I fell in love with him, too many to count actually." He'd be able to list quality after quality for hours if he had too, but this witch didn't deserve any of it. "I'm sorry to break it to you Mrs. Kim, but I'm never leaving your son."

Before the mother got a word in, (and before Niki threw something), he grabbed Sunoo's hand, dragging him out of the wedding hall, eventually finding a door that led out to a nice balcony overlooking the Seoul skyline.


poor sunoo

sorry though I had to do this

I was being sarcastic // sunki ffWhere stories live. Discover now