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The first thing I could remember was my mom. Her smile. Her hair. I get my hair from my mom, and my eyes to. I don't really look like my dad, I don't have a problem with that. I remember the day we went to the beach. I splashed around in the water with my mom. It was an amazing day. Sometimes all I want is to go back to that day with my mom at the beach, and never leave it. My dad wasn't there though. I don't know where he was. I also remember my mom was an artist. She would make amazing paintings, of the beach, flowers, forests, of me. My favorite painting of hers was her when she was a little girl, laying in a meadow, with long grass and flowers all around her. She'd tell me stories of her when she was little at bed every night. Her house was right next to a meadow and forest. She'd tell me stories of her playing in the meadow with her dog, and her in the woods. My mom sitting on her porch sipping tea with honey from her bees. It was always my favorite part of the day, snuggling into bed and my mom sitting at the foot of my bed telling me stories and me always saying "One more," never knowing which one was going to be the last. And one night I never got one. My mom had left, I thought for the grocery store, but why so late? I didn't give it much thought. But that same night I had asked my dad for a story and he said no and hit so hard I fell to the ground and hit my head. After that day almost anytime I asked for something that my dad thought stupid, he'd hit me. So I slowly grew even more apart from him. Not like I was close to him anyway. Days I waited for my mom to come back she never did. If she's dead or not I don't know. But as my dad grew more distant and neglect and more abusive, I left the house more and wandered around my back yard and into a little batch of trees that were in my backyard then. Sometimes I'd hear voices, I would run out and to my dad and say I heard voices. My dad would hit me over the head and tell me no one lived out there, this was private property and to stop being stupid. I learned that no one else could hear them. I met one. It said it was an angle, and that I could trust it. I knew for sure it wasn't human, it didn't look like it was human. So I trusted it. And don't blame me, I was a little kid struggling with abandonment issues, physical abuse, and emotional neglect. I was desperate for a connection I could make with someone. I went to the forest and the "angle" would play with me. It would tell me stories as well, we'd run around all day. One day it asked if It could enter my body, I had asked why and it expanded, that I would see the world very differently from an angles point of view. I said yes and it entered my body, I blacked out and found myself laying on the ground at night. I freaked out and asked the "angel" what happened. It said that my body would need to get used to looking from an angles point of view. So every day the "angle" would enter my body but nothing changed. Till one day it didn't need to ask, then I learned it wasn't an "angle" but quite the opposite, it was a demon. Too late I found out because now I could accuse my body without needing permission.



Hey hey hey, I hope you liked the last book and I hope you like this one.


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