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*Quinn pov*

I was awaken by Alex.

"What- what?" I say sitting up rubbing my eyes.

"The nurse will be here any second you gotta go." Alex said dragging me off the bed. there were steps echoing in the hall coming towards Alex's room, my tiredness went away and I basically jumped out the window into the tree, I quickly climbed down as fast I could.

"Alex what are you doing out of bed? And with the window open." The nurse said, I looked down seeing if I could jump down with out putting myself in the hospital. 'Its fine I should make it'  I think to my self knowing the nurse is going to close the window herself. I jump and I land with a thud.

"Fuck." I try to keep quite but god that did something not good to my head. I roll into the bush by the tree just in time for the nurse to look out the window and not see me. I let out a sigh of relief knowing I'll be able to come back for visiting hours. Before the nurse closed the window I heard her say.

"Did you hear something?"

"No." Alex said a little to quickly. I heard the window shut but to b safe I waited about 5 minuets before I got out from the under the bush, which also gave me time to recover from the fall, my head stopped hurting as much but my ankle was still a little messed up. I brushed it off and stood up, I was a little dizzy but it was fine. I walked off and got ready to walk home.


I got a ride from Alex's dad to the hospital, when we got there we were met by Taylor and their girl friend Zara. 

"You guys can go to Alex I'll talk to the nurse about Alex's improvement." We all nodded and left Alex's dad to talk with the nurse.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Taylor said bursting into Alex's room with out knocking.

"Ah, My god Taylor there's a thing called knocking you know." Alex said recovering from the jump scare.

"Yeah well there's a thing called you fucking left the face of the earth for a year and I missed you." Taylor said hitting Alex over the head jokingly.

"Here I brought you flowers." I said giving them to Alex. I had gotten them from my back yard when I was sneaking back in, I saw them and decided to pick them.

"There so pretty, thank you." Alex said kissing my cheek. 

"Aw," Zara walked over and sat the on the bed. "you two are so freaking cute." she said. We all laughed and talked till Alex's dad came in.

"Hey kiddo," He said awkwardly. Alex's dad was an awkward man but he was easy to get along with and he had a kind heart. "They said that you will be released tomorrow but we will need to do weekly check ins and no school till further notice." 

"Wait really! I'll be able to sleep in my own bed." Alex seemed super exited, I was as well but I was also worried what if he went into the forest again what if he never came back. What if my demon did something?



heyheyhey how yall doing hope you do well and shit hope you like chapter.

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have a lovely day/night


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