boston, ma

she was a force
to reckoned with.
i didn't ever
think that at first.
just a girl
with a mess of emotions
that no one could tame
who enjoyed writing
more than actually talking.
she was good with words,
though she claimed
that she wasn't.
i don't know when
i started loving her,
i just know
i couldn't stop.
we met that summer
close to upstate new york
when we were hardly
out of teenage age.
it was a slow burn,
the kind where you don't
ever think you'll fall
but then one day you
just wake up and
you're completely drowning
in them.
i didn't know
that i needed her.
i didn't want to believe it,
just preferred to
be alone than take care
of anyone else.
but she was different.
usually living a thousand
miles away in a place
i had never been before.
and as the days dragged
and time made
no sense
i started to love
every single piece of her.
the late nights
when we stayed up
until the sun peeked up
around the mountains
to the glances
we shared during jokes
that weren't even
all that funny.
with her it made sense,
like the end of a romcom.
she was the music,
the melody stuck
in my head
even as the summer closed.
so it made sense
when we fessed up
and she decided to stay.

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