hudson, ny
himif they weren't both
sitting there in front of
me giggling,
i would have probably
cried at her note.
she had written it with
such careful attention
and i knew that
she meant every
single word.
so i wrote one back.
it took me a while
because my handwriting sucks
and because i didn't
know what exactly i could
say if not
everything on my mind.
i wanted to comment with
flowery words
on her walk and the way
which her fingers felt whenever
they brushed against mine
and the beautiful smile
that she has
and the funny jokes that
she always tells.
but how do you fit all of it
on a sticky note?
how do you make it all seem
just as grand on one
forest green post-it note?

how to heal
Short Storya short story / set of poetry about healing and letting time mend you that is based upon real events but not entirely true (: