Chapter 4

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André's kingdom was already covered with snow thanks to its mountainous terrain, though the other kingdoms still enjoyed warm autumn weather. Gabriel had insisted on going to check with André himself - halt this threat from its source, he'd said. But the snow had forced them to turn back halfway.

The voyage was more difficult than previous trips to his kingdom, as they had decided to take a more discreet route on foot. They now trekked back down a mountain outside the valley, surrounded by gentle snowfall.

"What do you think about Lady Lila?" Nathalie asked, remembering her promise to Adrien. She looked to the top of the mountain ridge as she waited for his reply.

"She's a lovely girl. I think of all the suitors, she's the perfect match for Adrien."

Nathalie frowned at the back of his head. "Your son doesn't seem very fond of her."

"He'll learn to like her more with time. It's for his own good. I went through the same experience at his age."

"You were already in love with the queen before your father arranged the marriage, weren't you?"

He hesitated. "Yes, but there isn't much of a difference. By the time they're married, they'll know each other well."

Quite simply, she told him, "Adrien's in love with another girl."

He finally turned to look at her. "He hasn't bothered to tell me this."

"He's scared of your reaction."

"Because she's a commoner?' he guessed. "It wouldn't be proper, you know that."

Nathalie crossed her arms, surprised by what she said next, "If you value his happiness, you should allow him to be with the girl he wants."

He stared at her for a moment before his eyes narrowed. "I'll decide what's best for him. Remember your place, Captain."

She froze, expression hardening. "Of course, Your Highness. Please, forgive me." Her tone was sharp, and she looked him straight in the eyes. "Is it a crime that I wish your son to be happy?"

"It's not a crime, but Adrien has an obligation to follow orders!"

"You have an obligation to be a father! He hides his emotions from you, did you know that? All to please you! Open your eyes, Gabriel!"

"I am his father and I decide what's best for him! You are a knight, not his mother!"

Nathalie forced her expression into neutrality even as her heart squeezed and her eyes burned. "You're correct, Your Highness. He isn't my son. But that doesn't mean I care for him any less." Before he had a chance to reply, she said. "If you'll excuse me, I must check to make sure the way ahead is safe. I am a knight, after all."

She brushed past him and walked down the path until he was out of sight. She stopped by the ledge, looking out over the frozen river, uselessly trying to keep her tears at bay.

What a fool she was for thinking her feelings could ever be returned. If Gabriel hadn't been open-minded about his own son loving a girl of lower social status, he would certainly never love her. In his eyes, she would never be more than a knight. And Adrien was to be a prince before a son.

Whatever had happened the last few days clearly meant nothing to Gabriel. She'd only been kidding herself.

The pendant she usually thought of as comforting now felt heavy on her chest. Part of her was tempted to throw it over the cliff, but she didn't. She couldn't.

Remember your place, Captain.

Nathalie would make sure to, but it wouldn't stop her from prioritizing Adrien's happiness.

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