Chapter 2

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Again, this lovely art was done by siren-drawing-stuff

The tension was heavy as they rode back through the forest, and it noticeably lessened when they exited. The Kingdom of Lapia, differing from Lux, rested in clear view of the road.

Nathalie's pain had mostly faded, but she could tell her shoulder would be sore for the next few days.

"Captain, I have a question." Her look prompted Gabriel to continue. "Would you like to attend the ball this year?"

"I usually do."

"As a guest, not a guard."

"A guest?" She glanced down at her horse's mane. "Yes, perhaps, though I doubt I have anything suitable to wear-"

"I'll take care of that. I used to design garments, remember?"

She had to hold back a grin. In his teenage years, the king had drawn hundreds of designs, some less appealing than others. "I remember."

He looked slightly offended, hearing the smile in her voice. "I've gotten better, Nathalie, don't you worry."

She could no longer stop a smile. "I believe you. Thank you, Your Highness."

"Of course, you deserve to rest. Now, I have the perfect idea . . ." He began mumbling to himself, lost in his own world.

Her smile didn't vanish. It had been years since he'd called her by her name.

Having never worn something quite like this before, Nathalie struggled to don the gown correctly. Duusu, a woman clad in blue, came to her rescue.

"I was one of the queen's handmaids," Duusu explained cheerfully, adjusting the skirt. "With my help, the king will be swooning over you in no time."

Her eyes widened. "No, it's not like that," she insisted.

"I've never met a king who gave his bodyguard a dress so she can attend a ball."

"We've known each other since we were children. It's simply a kind gesture."

"Alright, M'lady." Nathalie didn't bother with correcting her as Duusu finished pinning her hair into an elaborate updo. "Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you think."

"I look . . . different. I've never worn anything this expensive before." She tilted her head to the side to get a better view of her hair. "I can hardly believe the face in the mirror is mine."

Gabriel was right; his designing skills had improved tremendously.

The bodice of the gown was royal blue with frilled sleeves resting on her shoulders. Fabric of the same color draped over the skirt, covered in light glitter patterns that resembled peacock feathers. The gloves extending over her arms, masking her faint scars, matched the rest of the outfit.

"It may not be your intention to woo King Gabriel, but you just might end up doing so," Duusu decided. "But he has only himself to blame for designing the dress."

Nathalie refrained from commenting. "Thank you for your assistance, Miss Duusu."

"Of course, it was so exciting! I can't wait to see his reaction!"

The two went to the ballroom, where Duusu went to find Nooroo, another palace servant.

Harry stood outside the entrance with a few other knights. He raised his eyebrows when he saw her. "Captain, is that you?" He grinned. "Did Gabie design that dress?"

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