Chapter 6

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The force wasn't enough to penetrate Lila's boot, but it distracted her.

Gabriel's heart soared. Nathalie was alive.

He didn't have time to celebrate because Lila turned her angry gaze to Nathalie and raised her own sword, one certain to do much more damage.

"Move your foot behind your opponent's calf or knee to try to throw them off balance."

It was a reckless plan, and if things had gone any other way, he would be dead. He rushed at Lila and used the advantage of surprise and strength to sweep her feet out from under her. She crashed to the ground, nearly stabbing herself by mistake. The breath left her lungs.

"They should be stunned long enough for you to neutralize them and escape."

He lifted Nathalie into his arms and was quick to move her away from Lila.

Finally, André's reinforcements burst from the forest, shortly followed by a mob of palace servants flooding through the gates. With their increased numbers, they swarmed the Akumas together.

Gabriel turned his attention to the woman in his arms, ignoring the chaos a short distance away. He kneeled in the grass, with her cradled against him. "Nathalie, are you alright?"

"You remembered what I taught you . . ." She smiled up at him, looking impressed.

"I did tell you you're a wonderful teacher." His eyes trailed down to the broken arrow shaft lodged in her side. "Nathalie-"

"I'm okay." Her pale skin and the way she was smiling indicated that she wasn't. "You know, from the first moment, I knew I'd do anything for you."

"Why are you talking like that? You're going to be fine!" His voice grew louder. "You promised, remember?"

"Still, I have something to tell you. Just listen, please."

"I'm listening."

Nathalie took a deep breath, and he didn't miss the way she struggled to do so. She covered his hand, which rested by her wound. "I . . . I love you."

His thoughts, which had been running wild, suddenly halted. "You do?"

Her eyes growing unfocused, she murmured, "I do."

Before he had the chance to fully process her words, she sat up halfway and kissed him. Only a few seconds later, she slumped back into his arms, her remaining strength gone.

"You're going to be fine," Gabriel repeated, brushing a thumb across her cheek. "I'll do everything I can to save you."

She leaned into his touch, smiling. "I know," she whispered.

He caught sight of Adrien among the fighters. "Adrien, come here!" he shouted, ignoring the fact that his son had disobeyed him.

Despite the noise, the prince heard him. He ran over immediately, eyes fearful. "Nathalie, are you okay?"

She reached out and grasped Adrien's hand, just for a moment, but he seemed to understand.

"She will be once we get her to the physician. I need you to protect us from any Akumas that may still be in the castle. Can you do that?"

Adrien nodded determinedly. "I can." He drew his sword, leaping atop his horse.

Gabriel hoisted Nathalie onto his own horse before swinging himself up behind her. Hardly awake, she leaned back against him as he slipped his arms around her. "Go!" he commanded his steed, gripping the reins.

Adrien rode ahead of him, swinging his sword at any Akuma who got too close, though most were distracted by Lapia and Lux's overwhelming numbers.

The ride felt far too long. When they finally reached the courtyard, and he retook Nathalie in his arms, she was unconscious.

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