Chapter 5

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Their fears were confirmed a few days later. The king unfurled André's letter in his chambers, silently reading it.

"The Akumas disobeyed him and left for here yesterday. They could arrive before this evening," Gabriel summarized, gripping the paper tightly. "This could be a disaster."

Nathalie covered his hands with hers. "Try not to worry, Gabriel. I'll have my men start to prepare our defenses. We far outnumber them."

He relaxed his grip on the letter, but his eyes remained tense. "With their magic, that won't matter."

She knew. But they could do nothing else. "Worrying won't change anything," she said softly.

He sighed. "You're right, but we should meet with the knights to plan."

Nathalie re-entered after informing her men to find Gabriel struggling to don his armor.

He almost laughed when he saw her. "Looks like I'm a bit out of practice," he said, though his shaking fingers said otherwise.

She took the buckles of his gauntlet, seasoned hands tightening the strap with ease. "It's easier with help." Nathalie gave a small smile.

He returned it, grateful she hadn't mentioned his nerves. "Did you tell Placide to keep Adrien inside?"

"I did, though the prince didn't seem happy about it."

"It's better that he doesn't know about the attack yet. I don't want to worry him."

"Hmm." She moved to adjust his collar.

"Nathalie, I'm afraid," he admitted quietly, his tone more vulnerable than she'd ever heard it. His gaze was aimed at the floor. "I don't want to lose anyone else, not after . . ."

She had long ignored conventional behavior this last week and now wasn't an exception. She cupped his face, having him meet her eyes. "I don't know what the future holds, but I promise to do whatever it takes to protect you and your son."

"And yourself." He curled his fingers around her wrists. "You have to promise me you'll protect yourself."

The small catch in his voice made her chest ache. "I promise."

He pulled her into his arms, lowering his forehead to the crook of her neck. "I can't lose you too."

"You won't." The next words seemed so natural. The moment was perfect.

I love you.

But she decided to wait a little longer. Instead, she combed her fingers through his hair, lightly leaning her head against his.

"Adrien, are you sure this is a good idea? Your father just started to like me-"

"We'll be fine, Marinette. I'm just helping you collect berries, how much trouble can we get in?"

"But you're not supposed to be out here."

"I'm tired of being inside. Besides, my dad's in a meeting. As long as we're back before it ends, everything's okay."

"Placide already knows you're gone," she pointed out.

"He'll look for me before telling my father."

"Fine," Marinette sighed, turning her attention to the nearest berry bush. "These look good. We only need enough to fill the basket."

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