The Athenian Plead. (Updated 8/10/23)

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This oneshot is slightly uneventful.  This is the first step into the battle of Marathon.  The oneshots ahead will pick up, I promise.  

Chronology (According to the book, the Battle ofMarathon, by Peter Krentz)

522 B.C - Darius (reign: 522-486) becomes king ofSparta.

513 B.C – Darius invades Sparta.

510 B.C – Spartans expel Hippias from Athens.

508/7 B.C – Cleisthenes institutes democracy inAthens.

507/6 B.C – Athenians give earth and water toPersians.

506 B.C – Spartan invasion of Attica aborts; Atheniansdefeat Thebans and Chalcidians

505? B.C – Thebes allies with Aegina

499 B.C – Persians besiege Naxos; Ionian revoltbegins.

498? B.C – Greeks attack and burn Sardis.

495 B.C - Battle of Lade.

494 B.C – Persians take Miletus and recapture Caria.

493/2 B.C – Artaphernes' settlement in Ionia; Darius'heralds visit Greece.

492 B.C – Mardonios' settlement in Ionia and campaignin Europe.

492/1 B.C – Darius sends ultimatum to Thasos andorders shipbuilding.

491/0 B.C – Datis and Artaphernes appointed tocommand.

490 B.C – The Battle of Marthon.


Genesis 1: 1-3 KJV:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (2) And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (3)And God said, let there be light: and there was light.

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The Achaemenid Empire. The Persian Empire. Thegreatest Empire of all. The world superpower of his time. Heconquered nations East and West. He overran the great Messopotamiaand the amazing Egypt. He conquered Sardis. The Great King Dariuscaptured the Scythian king Skunkha.

The man stood on the balcony of his great palace. Notas large as the one dedicated to the Great King, but still, one bigenough for a man as worthy and as great as the man exemplifying allPersia was and stood for. The greatest warrior that resided in allof Persia. He was taller, stronger, and smarter than any man inPersia. The citizens though him to be a god. He had an odd symbolupon his face, and its colors went throughout his body. His faceappeared to be divided into three rectangles, all different colors. The top was blue, the middle was red, and the bottom was yellow.( is my source for this.)

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