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When written in books

In nature I only find perfection

But nature gets mistaken too

Putting certain souls in the wrong vessel

How am I supposed to live in a body

That feels foreign to me

How is it that people speak on my life

Barely knowing aught of me

I tried resisting and obeying much

Enslaving myself to the rules of nature

I wanted to show unquestioned obedience

Afraid to lose the love of a stranger

Then I met the effects of my actions

Which created who they were longing for

My face, my hair and clothes were changed

I wish I was brave enough to say no

Indifferent to the one in the mirror

I began to fail at recognizing myself

But when almost consumed into depression

I decided to take the first step

Nature is mistaken and people are as well

I had forgotten the inside makes the outside

So I may choose to be myself 

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