chapter 1

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It's been a few weeks since bill has joined the snl cast and y/n is slowly falling for him she finds herself staring at him most of the time he's around. Lost in his eyes. She wonders if he feels the same...

You're at a local coffee shop near your apartment and you bump into bill.

"Oh my god sorry, oh, hi y/n!"

"H-hey bill"

"Uhm, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good, yknow we never really hang out that much outside of work"


"Do you maybe wanna get dinner tonight?"

"Yeah sure!"

"OK, I'll pick you up at 7?"


"See you then, bye!" He smiled

Omfg. She thought


He tells the waitress what he's planned and when y/n gets to the restaurant the waitress tells her "come with me he's got everything set up" confused y/n obeys and when she gets to the table she sees a bouquet of flowers with a note attached that reads "You are very pretty and funny and kind and I think I would like to get to know you better <3"

A happy tear falls from her eye and when she looks up she sees him with a proud smile on his face.

"So is this a date?"

She laughs "yes"

He walks her home

"I had a great time" y/n says

"So did i"

They look into eachothers eyes for a second and then she quickly kisses him on the cheek.


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