chapter 7// the fame

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Corey's POV

My heart was pounding through my chest when my lips touched hers for the first time.
I felt her hesitation at first, but It was absolutley magical.
Arabella, shes beautiful.

Everything about her is beautiful.
The way her hair frizzes up, the way she laughs, the way she smiles, her dimples show, revealing her bright white teeth.

I could not fathom my thoughts about her into words. It was impossible.

The way I felt about her was dangerous.

I knew If I tried to make something like this work, it would not. The papparazzi, the fame, the fans. There would be headlines all over the times papers, all over magazines. Lies would be made about her, and I knew she would not be able to handle it.

But I cannot be able to let her go so fast. I am so drawn to her. Everything about her.

Am I being selfish? Should I not risk taking a chance for love, because of her?

No, but what about my secrets? If she found out? She would find out sooner or later, but I didn't want her to. She wouldn't understand.

Right now, I want to enjoy this moment. I should talk to her about it later.

This moment right now, Is all I need.

My lips seperated from hers.

"Wow, that was-" She interuppted.

"Perfect." She finished my sentence, smiling, her dimples showing and a blush creeped upon her cheeks, making them as pink as crimson roses.

I smiled at her, and her eyes glowed a bit. They changed from a dark green to olive colored, the sparks of hazel looked like speckles of gold.

A curl of hair blew into her face, I then pulled it behind her ear and kissed her cheek quickly.

"Lets get going, people will start coming soon and I dont want the paparazzi to see us." I said.

She nodded and mumbled an "Okay."
As we walked towards the parking lot, I heard a group of people shouting.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

She turned to me ,"Is that the paparazzi?" She said with concern in her eyes.

"Yes, start speed walking, dont look back, you do not want them getting a shot of you." I said with a serious tone.

We started speeding up .

"Corey!" I heard one person say .
"Is that your new girl?"
"Who is she?"

"Dont turn back." I whispered.

She pursed her lips ,"Why do they keep following us?"

"Assholes, thats why." I chuckled.

I heard something drop on the ground when both of us incidentally turned around. We were fucked.

Bells had dropped her bracelet, or it had slipped off, but whatever it was, we got at least 30 shots taken of us together.

I groaned in annoyance.

"Leave us the hell alone! Get your own fucking life, I obviously have one." I exclaimed.

I grabbed Bella's arm and speedwalked to our car and got inside.

"Fuck!" I pounded my fists on the steering wheel.

"Corey?" she said, her voice had both sympathy and concern.

My fists unclenched, jaw loosened, and I took a deep inhale. I pulled out a cigarette from the glovebox and lit one up, exhaling the smoke.

"You don't understand , Bells. It just doesn't work like that!" I said using hand gestures.

"You do not know what they do. They will make up stupid headlines about you, show it to the public, rumours and lies. They will ruin you. Its all my fucking fault. I did this to you. I never should have done any of this with you." I said taking another drag of my cigarette.

"My whole life I was a nobody. I promise you I don't think they can make much up of someone who is completely unknown to public! Corey , I am risking to take a chance with you. And you cant give up on me just yet," Tears started brimming her eyes, they turned a dark green, her once gold sparkling eyes turned dark and full of confusion. She looked like a lost puppy.

I wiped the tear with one hand and kissed her cheek.

"I would not ever give up on you ,Bells, never think that, please , baby."

I cant leave her.

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