chapter 3 //blush

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Arabella's POV

My heart was pounding when his lips pressed against my cheek. My breath hitched a bit as I used the back of my hand to feel my cheek. It was burning up.

I tried to brush off the feeling. I simply paid for the shit I didn't break and left. The car ride home felt weird. I kept thinking about it, over and over.

Almost as if that moment in time was on replay in my mind. I snapped out of it and turned on the radio to clear my thoughts.
When I arrived back home, I was excited, all I wanted to do was run upstairs, grab the telephone and call Corey. And thats exactly what I did.

I put my car keys on the key tray, kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, trying not to slip on the wood.

I made it upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door. I then sat at the foot of my bed, wondering whether I should call, with the telephone sitting on my lap. My index finger was tapping on the cord of the phone as I hesitated.

Maybe it was too fast? Should I wait? No, then he will think I forgot about him. Wait, no! I'll call now. What if I seem desperate. No. No. He just wants your address so he can pick you up tomorrow night, Thats all. Oh fuck it!

I picked up the telephone and dialed the number on the slip of paper.

It rang a few times before a familiar voice picked up.
"Hello?" he sounded confused.

"Oh hey, uh, Its me! Um, Arabella?" I said hesitating every word I spoke.

I almost felt him smile through the phone.

"Bella! Hey! So are you gonna give me that adress or will I have to track you down myself?" He said chuckling.

I let out a light laugh.

"Alright, its 678 West Hills Drive. 4th house on the left."

"Sweet, I'll be there by 8:00 sharp. Wear something fancy, it will be great." he said sweetly.

Wear something fancy? I thought to myself. Ugh, I'm gonna have to call Hayley. Maybe she will let me borrow something cute.

"So, 8:00 sharp?" I said.

"Thats right, See you then."

The phone line went silent until he hung up.

My first instinct?
Call. Hayley. Now.

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