Nightshade makes his escape

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Nightshadeplans his biggest and deadliest attack yet. This sadistic terrorist knows that the mayor has family ties to Arthur Constantine, because he is the billionaire's godfather. Nightshade also knows that the mayor is mostly to blame for making San Andreas so corrupt and dark. The sadistic and psychopathic terrorist hopes that his final attack will kill the mayor and put an end to the abuse of power that plagues this welcoming city, transformed into a hellish circle infested with corruption. He also records another video and hopes that our hero will find it. Nightshade plants several bombs inside the building where he lives and they all explode at the same time. Crimson Daredevil bursts through the window and looks for any trace of this evil terrorist. Police officers search the area but this psychopathic terrorist is already gone.

Nightshade speaks to another of his followers and they tell him that the next van is already in place. This cunning mastermind goes to where he wants the police to find him. Now that every piece of his plan is in place, nothing can stop him.

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