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    Today was a clear day. Although there were some rainy clouds roaming around in the sky here and there, I bet they were out of plans to rain here today. Sun was bright, making my backyard to gleam of a very bright parrot green color, and making the air fill up with different chirpings. It wasn't loud at all, it was soothing, at least for my ears and soul.

   I was currently sitting on my chair, under a very large neem tree, out in backyard of my home, legs fully stretched to the another chair right in front of me. To speak with quite truth, I was really lying on those chairs, as if those were a whole long sleeping chair for outdoor camps. Well, it was my outdoor camp anyway. Hairs out, falling down from the back of my chair, floating freely in the quick breezes from time-to-time. The beautiful nature, under in which I was right now, was giving me a very beautiful chance to imagine myself somewhere very far from my home and from the people around me. Currently, I was at a place with no single human being around me, sleeping quietly on the grass, in my head, hearing and feeling the nature, that was from the reality.

    There's only one thing in nature which I don't want in any imagination of mine, and that's insects. I particularly hate each one of those species, or maybe scared of them. Because they are not just very tiny, but they are highly dangerous creatures, who can go inside our ear, nose, hairs, and give us painful pains. But more terrifying is my imagination, which is solely due to the wild overthinking that I do, which makes me think, what will happen if those filthy little creatures start to lay their eggs inside my ears or hairs, and then there's their little society! I know it's kinda rubbish, but that's something you can clearly accept from a 11 year old girl like me.

    And I am guessing it's a universal law, just like Newton's universal law of gravitation, which I had just read yesterday in a science book my father had in his shelves, that other people can't bear the happiness of other people. Because Vandana surely doesn't like to see me happy in my lonely place.

   I really don't like her, well truthfully, not only her, but I hate just my whole family, relatives I mean. I stay in a corner, or with mummy at family occasions, only smiling whosoever greets me(it's out of question whether I know them or not, because I clearly not), which makes me a shy, introverted girl. And it's wholly incorrect, I am, but just a little, but wholly for them,and I don't mind it at all. The clear reason for hating them is because I am not really able to handle how easily they fake the love they seriously don't have. I know, it's too much to hear from an 11 year old, but trust me if you have relatives, bad destiny, no friends, a life without any goal or future ahead, like I have, you will get mature enough to understand every little emotion plays in life. And moreover, I heard girls get mature early of their ages, so I guess it's normal for me to think like this right. Right? Because my parents don't think so. Just like they don't pay attention to me when I literally told them 72 times(counting from the start of this summer vacation), to keep Vandana away from me.

    She's my cousin (from my father's side, his little sister's 2nd child), 3 years older than me.  Like others from my family, I don't like her either. She's a perfect girl, that everybody wants, medium at studies, knows how to cook(well I also know how to cook, a little, just to make rotis), best at doing households works( I also help mummy in those works, but no, I don't do every little chore of the house as she do, because mummy would not let me do it), speaks well with every relative(it's called relation politics, and happily for me, but unluckily for every other, I stay the way I am, silent), knows how to wear a sari (I love wearing them, and because I love it, I am learning it). 

   But there were other things which made us vividly different. Like she wears traditional Indian kurtis and dresses, have very long black hairs, always in a tight braid, doesn't have any plans to study more(she didn't even studied properly, always the last), and I've heard it that aunt and uncle were already finding a boy for her(but little they know, seriously), attends every family function, don't have any favorite hero( I mean she don't even see movies, at least that's what she makes everyone believe).

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