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I can't believe I am going today. But the thing I can't believe the most is that my mother still hasn't returned from my uncle's home. She had a family wedding on her side to attend. We all were going to attend, but somehow, only mummy, my brother and Vandana went. It hurt me a little, that she didn't mention her return, or not return as well. Actually, she did return three days ago, and left the same day for another occasion. I thought it wasn't that important, but guess it was. So it's just me and my father. I guess he might be there with my mother and brother as well, if it wasn't for me traveling somewhere alone. He never shows if he's scared of me, or that he loves me. It has always felt like a burden. But sometimes when he teaches me english, helps me with my homework, I feel like it's his responsibility to do what he is doing. But I am wrong. They love me. Although mummy is still scared of everything, of me, she loves me, maybe. There are times when I thought mummy had to say something to me, and yet she didn't. She loves me, but I have never felt that love openly. And I guess, it's the same for my father and brother as well. But it doesn't stop me from loving them, because they, somewhere, love me as well.

I am leaving at like 8 pm with papa. Mrs. Rathore will be accompanying us until we reach the shores. According to my Magicpass, the ship in which me and papa were going to London, was leaving the port at 12 pm tomorrow. And we will need this whole night to reach the port. Mrs. Rathore told me that if I was alone, I could have possibly used a bus which was especially for witches and wizards to travel in,which was fast as well, but as I was with papa, I had to use a common transport, which was a train.

Now I have the reason for the completely empty other side of my Magicpass. It was like a ticket, mentioning my departure time, landing time, ship name, shore number, places name of my travel,etc. It was for that. Same was for my father's Travelling Card.

Everything was set, not that my mummy and brother weren't here, and that when we received their letter, I don't know maybe a 500th time since I did all of the card making things, he asked papa if I was really going or was they really sending me. It's not believable for me as well, but for him it was different. Somehow I felt like he didn't want me to go. Not in a good way, like he will miss me or he is concerned about me, nope. He just doesn't want me to go, same as my aunt, who is telling my parents if it was a good thing sending someone like "ME" far away(they don't know where I am going though) and my father replied it was the only good thing to do. I guess papa explained to her the way she wanted to hear it, because later on she just kept saying how I was a bad luck or someone ghosty or with foul powers and that it was good for my family to send me away. And yet she kept saying to my parents "what if I lose my character by staying away from my home?" I don't know what my mother said to her when they returned home 3 days ago, but since then she has kept her mouth shut. She is not here to see me away, which is a good thing. The last thing I needed to see before going was only my family. My parents and my brother. But I guess, that wish is not gonna be fulfilled.


My luggage had a suitcase set of 3, wood colored with one big hand bag and one small side purse for my money, cards, etc. little things. And I am glad we reached the shores somehow managing all of those luggage. It was already 11:30 when we reached the port. I saw witches and wizards and a few teenagers as well. Maybe they were going to Hogwarts as well! Someone from the ship crew came to us and asked if he could put our luggage in the ship's luggage room. Just as we said yes, he flickered his wand and suddenly all of our luggage was floating in the air. And in a short time, our luggage was at its place.

Shore Number: 7
Ship Name: The Floating Shrake
Departure Date: 25th August, 1971
Departure Time: 12:00 pm
Departure Place: Mumbai Port
Destination Place: London Port
Ship Cabin Number: B-219
Ship Cabin Accommodation : 2 Members
Time remaining to catch the ship: 25 minutes 7

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