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Right after two days of our meeting with Mrs. Rathore and Mr. Chopda, I was sent a letter to meet them one more time, so they can make the MAGICPASS for me. Papa was also coming with us, but till some area, because according to the letter sent by Mrs. Rathore, she had written to us that the place to get The TRAVELLING CARD for papa, or for normal people is usually set a little far from the branch of India's Ministry of Magic in this area, so that they don't have to face witches and wizards. So papa and I would get separated for a little time.

I really believed my thought that papa would argue not to let me go with Mrs. Rathore alone, and him being with Mr. Chopda for his card, but he didn't. Guess I should start to accept that strange things happens, because currently my own life is one of those biggest strange things.

After we split up, me and Mrs. Rathore were on a horse cart, going somewhere. Obviously I had seen this area, but I don't know why, now it is looking too different than before. I had came to this city with my family many a times, but now I was starting to look at people more closely, realising they are using bits of magic! Just three of them, and I guess they all know Mrs. Rathore.

I was so busy finding more wizards that I didn't pay attention when our cart stopped at an alley. Mrs. Rathore helped me to come down of the cart, and they we started to walk in that alley. The alley was a little dark, the colour getting there was like pages from old books. Maybe I would have got scared before, but not now. There was nothing to look, just big random walls, showing our shadows from those bookish-like lights. And I liked it!! Something was good about this dull place. Soon, I saw an old wooden gate on my right side of wall. My instinct told me we were going inside there, and yup we were. Mrs. Rathore knocked on the gate but a little differently, maybe a screcet code to identify their, our community. And my mind was telling me that I should remember the code, but my observation skills are not that much good. And within a second the door opened. And all I can see inside was darkness. "You got the code?" Mrs. Rathore asked me suddenly. Since we met, we haven't spoken,so this was going to be our first conversation of today, and it was starting with a, "no".
"Knock 3 times on the right, two times up, 1 time left and 7 times down. The door is magically locked, so you have to open it by knocking on the perfect position. "
And then we went inside. And it was shocking like how anyone who would look from outside inside the door will only see drakness, but once you enter inside, it's something like a hotel. Everyone was seating on the tables and chairs provided, the food was coming, and I saw many people do magic with their wands. It was so fascinating!!

The room was big yet looking small due to the crowd in it. Lantern was burning and interiors seemed of wood, and the aroma this place had was not different than any other common hotels, but something in the air was different, and I exactly know what.

Through our way from the crowd, many people greeted Mrs. Rathore, seems like she is a well known person. Soon we were out of there.

And what I see now was a pathway to I guess the big building I can see from here, maybe that is the office. I think I am true because we are moving towards that building now. The road itself was crowded, with people coming out and going in of the small buildings around me. "They are offices as well as home of wizards who like to live with no boundaries to their magic." I can clearly see that! Everyone was doing magic like it's their routine! Dumb of me, it was their routine. From an old woman knitting (odd in this season, but now nothing seems odd) to an old man watering the plants, let me add, "different plants". I couldn't capture much of those plants because of the crowd, but surely they weren't just normal plants.

"Magic is beautiful, right." Not a question, but still I answered, "Yeah. It's the most beautiful thing in the world." I meant those words. I was looking here and there, from between the crowd towards the different shops, people's clothes, their wands, buildings, their greetings to each other, their magic. There was nothing which can't catch your eyes. I was so lost in fascination that I crashed to Mrs. Rathore. "I am very very sorry ma'am." I looked at her in thought that she would be angry for losing my focus from the path, but she was smiling. "Take my hand." She reached her right hand out to mine. And of course I couldn't deny, or I would get lost.

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