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   ‘Ollivanders:Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. ’ is the last shop to go for the very last thing from the list. The weather has gone all full with rainy clouds around matching with the shop's aura. The shop was all shabby and narrow. And although there were books remaining, it was at last now. I will get my magical wand from here! I was super excited to get my wand, so I can do magic.

    But now I am afraid. After I entered the shop, I saw a boy struggling to do magic. He was like destroying everything in the shop. And the shopkeeper was very calm and just fiddling between stacks of wands mumbling something like, “This wand might be perfect for you!”
“You are saying it for the 3rd time!” The boy cried. And this time he just flew away and smashed in a stack of wands.
“But this is gonna be perfect!” He helped the boy stand up while saying, “Walnut….. common wand wood. Unicorn hair core, 10 and a half inches, not so flexible.” He was talking about the wand maybe, to the boy, but it seemed like he was talking to himself. And this time, he was right, the boy flickered the wand and there was a slight shine around him. Maybe. I don't know exactly, but I just felt that this was his wand. And it was. Now it was my turn, but now I am scared. What if I destroy things here as well before I can find my perfect wand match? And that will scare papa further, of me? I can't let this happen! And out of nowhere, there occurs a dead silence after the last tinkling bell sound made when the boy left the shop. In addition to that, the place seems dark. The off dark colors on the walls, shelves and wand boxes, also that the shopkeeper was wearing something in dark shade of green was making it more creepy.
“Good afternoon. I am Ollivanders, the wandmaker.” To make this whole scenario more creepy, I noticed Mr. Ollivanders, old, pale silvery like eyes. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised even if there came a ghost in front of us.
“Good afternoon. My daughter is in need of one of those.” Papa pointed out to the wands now a little disoriented on the table before us.
“Ah. You want a wand Ms….”
“I am Saai.”
“Yes surely Miss Saai. I will get a wand for you right away. But before that let me tell you, that it's the wand that chooses the wizard. So even if you don't like the exteriors, interiors are always gonna like you, and only the best for you. No other wand will be much powerful in your hands if the wand doesn't choose you, even though the wand is strongest, or you are strongest. I hope you understood Miss Saai.”
“Yes I do.”
“Good. Now tell me what's your wand arm?”
“I am right-handed.”
“Now hold out your right arm please. Good.” I did what he asked me. He now started measuring my right arm from shoulder to fingers, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round my head as well. Before I can think if it was appropriate to ask or not, I was already asking, “Why are you doing these measurements?”
He answered me while he was measuring me, “To know the perfect length of your wand, and also…” he stood up, “ find your wand.” He moved towards his shelves while saying, “"Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand. So, let me find the one for you.”
While Mr. Ollivanders was busy finding the wand, I said to papa, “Papa, I think the books might be out now.”
“Yeah maybe. We will go right after you get your wand.” That's not what I want. So I added further, “But papa, what if the books ran out of stocks? I need them today, as I am already going to Hogwarts tomorrow.”
“But that wouldn't happen.”
“It might happen papa. You saw the crowd. What if I didn't have books while at school? It might affect the ma-, affect the studies.”
I guess I did it, papa was looking a little confused, because I was right.
“Okay then, you find your wand, the strongest one, and I will go get your books. And here's some money if you found your wand before my return.” Yes I did it.
“Here, try this one. Walnut, unicorn hair, 7 and a quarter inches.” I flickered the wand, and we saw a blast at the left end of the shop. I am terrified. Not because I blew up stuff, but with the thought, “What if I can't find my wand?” even though somewhere my heart is telling me the exact opposite. I may not know this feeling, but I know one thing for sure, that this isn't my wand.
“No, no. This isn't. Let me get another one.”
I heard the bell tinkle, and someone came into the shop. Please don't let it be papa. And he wasn't there. It was a family. A boy, maybe the same age as mine, with his parents entered the shop. A very pale face, brown hair with matching eyes, and some lines on his face, the boy looked so weak, and yet so firm.
“Here, try this. Ebony wood, dragon heartstring, 10 and a quarter inches.”
The wand is nice, but I just have a feeling it's not for me. And it's true, the magic wasn't exactly destroying, it just made a pile of wand boxes fly in the air and then scattered it everywhere in the shop. “You need something similar. Wood which gets strong for someone holding their own beliefs. Dragon heartstring is good as well but something….” He was literally mumbling to himself.
“Are you going to Hogwarts as well?” It was a very sweet female voice. Gentle, calm and sweet.
“Great! Remus is going as well! Why don't you introduce yourself and be friends, Remus?!” She said to her son. And he did the same. His voice was just like his mother’s, but something in his voice seemed like he was terrified. Certainly to not his parents, maybe to me. Maybe he just gets anxious while making friends, so I just tried my best to make him comfortable. I offered my best smile and introduced myself to him.
“That's such a sweet name sweetie. Are you here alone?”
“No. My father's with me but he just went away to collect the books for school.”
“Oh I see. So, how do you like London? You are surely not from here.”
“I am loving London. Even though it's a new place, it's comfortable and I am making friends as well!!”
“That's truly a great thing sweetie!! I am sure you have so many friends at your home as well. You are very likable! And cute as well.” I was new to this ‘cute’ word. I should blush right now, but it was Remus who was blushing slightly. But what she said, “No. I don't have any friends at home. No one wants a friend who can perform magic. I was like a ghost to them.” At this, she gasped, and I just realized it might be terrifying to her even though it wasn't for me, so I made myself more clearer to pursue her that I was really very fine being alone, “But it was fine. I like my own company. I would have a lot of time to read my books, draw, and write, and play with my doll(and imagine myself in a magical world). Also it feels really bad to be with people who does not treat you……normally.” Before she could respond, I heard Mr. Ollivander say, “Here. Ash wood, unicorn hair, 11 inches, slightly flexible. Try it.” And so I did. It was good, and had a nice grip as well. But, he took it from me and said, “Better than the rest but not the best. At least not for you.” He went away one more time to get the wand. He was right, it felt right but just not best.
“How does the wand wood and core matter Mr. Ollivander?” I asked before my own acknowledgement of my words.
“The wand wood shows the personality you possess and tries to be suited with you so both you and the wand can work with each other best. The core helps to amplify the talents and the length is important for a better grip and magic to be casted. But with you, I can't get it. Walnut wood is for an innovator, but not versatile. So I thought maybe ebony wood will help with great transfiguration techniques as well. It was good but not the one. So, I gave you ash wood with unicorn hair, a very strong and best combination, it worked better but not best. So I am thinking, maybe it's the  ‘core’. Ah right, try black walnut, with  unicorn hair, 9 inches.” It worked poorer than the last one. And now I think he is frustrated with himself, how can I help him?
“Don't worry dear, getting a right wand takes time. I still remember, I tried for 5 times before I got my right one.” The father said.
“I remember that quite well Mr. Lupin, my father got frustrated that time. Although your wand core is not the strongest, it worked well for you.” Mr. Ollivanders said from where he was thinking of a wand.
“Do you like animals?!”
Now this was a very sudden question from Remus. He was looking at me with quite a focus. “No. I don't like them.” It was true. But my answer seemed to quiet the whole shop, not some normal quietness but a tense one. I know this atmosphere, it has never left my side, but I don't know why. Maybe he likes animals, and it hurted him, but still.
“I really don't think there would be rain today even though the atmosphere being so cloudy, right?” She looked at his husband, surely trying to lighten the atmosphere, but it didn't distract Remus. He was looking way more sad. I don't know what to say now. So I just looked outside the window of the shop, and said, “No. It will rain today. Very heavily, with lightning as well. Maybe.”
“No it will not be sweetheart. These atmospheres always lie. It will not ….” But she stopped on her words when we heard the lightning and then the rain as well.
“How were you so sure about the rain?” She asked, not seeming very curious.
“I wasn't sure. It just felt like it.” It wasn't a lie, my instincts have always been proved true no matter the situation.
“That's such a powerful instinct you got there Miss Saai. You have got instincts, adaptability as well. You are not afraid of the solitude as well.” He kept on saying from the little passageway of his wand shelves. He was deep in it, because his voice was echoing, “ It's not my best choice, but I guess it might be yours.” He came back with three boxes. He spread out then and told me to pick one. And so I did. The left one. All of them had the same boxes, so it was purely on my sixth sense. It's hilarious, but it felt right as always.

   He opened the box and handed me the wand. And this wand was the most beautiful one than the rest of the wands I saw today. It was having two shades mixed with each other like one was those candies twisted in two different flavors. One was off-white and the other was a light wood color. Twisted in each other, but not clearly. It was completely off-white but those light wood color pigments show themselves from nowhere and end nowhere. It was a small wand, with gripping swirls which would start randomly and end randomly. But it made my gripping on the wood tighter and comfortable. The wood was not firm fitting on my palm, it was soft. And the thing making it most eye-catching was the perfect round curve just above the gripping swirls. There was the wood color all over the curve. At the end of the curve, the wand was straight until it ended. This wand feels so right in my palms. I knew it's mine even before I used it. I had a smile on my face when I flickered the wand. There came a breeze with a rainy smell in addition to the rain itself.
“The wand is yours Miss Saai. Pine wood, an augurey's tail feather core, 8 and a half inches, springy and moderately flexible. It's from the last collection of my father before he handed over the shop to me. So I am surely saying that it's not the strongest core, because I had separated them by myself, but it will work best with you. An augurey's tail feather core works highly for divination, elemental, dream and spirit magic. Transfiguration as well. But it will be the adaptability and creativity of pine wood which will make you good in different fields as well. They are contrasting with each other, that's why I have never liked my father's wands much. But for someone as independent and loner, and highly good on their own person, pine wood is the best. 7 galleons to pay.” There was a slight disgust in his voice.

   Despite what he said, I am very happy with my wand. So I handed him the galleons, and said, “I don't mind if this is not the strongest wand Mr. Ollivander, but I know it deep down, together, we will be the strongest.” Before leaving the shop, I turned to Remus and said, “I don't like animals, but that doesn't mean I hate them. I am afraid of them. But I have realized by now that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Something might be worth your love and attention. Worth a friendship as well.” I put my hand towards him and added, “So I wouldn't mind your love for animals or if you have got any pets, I would love to befriend it and you as well.”
He took my hand and smiled at me very brightly. Might be pale with sad eyes, but he looks way more good with a big smile.
“I would like to be friends with you as well!”


Next chapter, Chapter-6
From 9 3/4 to......

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