• 𝓗𝓾𝓻𝓽 •

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⟪Nia's POV⟫

The familiar buzz of my phone alarm jolted me out of my focused work at Catco. I glanced at the screen, noting the urgency of the situation, and swiftly made my way to the elevator. The seconds felt like minutes as I transformed into Dreamer, my heart racing with both excitement and anxiety. I gave the Legion ring on my finger a reassuring kiss before taking flight.

Upon landing, I spotted a woman standing in front of me. Her hair was an unusual shade of white, and her skin mirrored the striking green hue of Brainy's.

"You're a Coluan," I observed, recognizing the unmistakable features.

The woman smirked, her demeanor unsettlingly calm. "I'll give him credit; he chose a smart Naltorian," she murmured, almost to herself. Her lack of visible concern made my gut churn with unease.

"If you're a Coluan refugee, my boyfriend Brainy can help you," I suggested carefully, hoping to diffuse the tension.

The woman's smile widened into something more sinister. "Brainiac 5 will rule this world with me. But for him to unlock his true potential, you must die."

Shock surged through me. I tried to act swiftly, conjuring balls of dream energy in my palms. But she dodged effortlessly, her movements too smooth to be ordinary. Suddenly, she produced a remote and pressed a button. A piercing noise filled the air, a frequency that seemed to assault my senses. I clasped my hands over my ears, but it was futile. My vision blurred, and dizziness overtook me.

"You see, Naltorians have a weakness to a specific sound frequency that's only found in space," she said, her voice dripping with malevolence. I stumbled, tripping over my own feet as I tried to retreat.

"Nice getting to know you, Nia Nal," she taunted, her voice fading as my consciousness wavered. In a last, desperate move, I used what remained of my energy to activate the panic alarm on my Legion ring before everything went black.

⪡Kara's POV⪢

The panic alarm's shrill sound cut through the calm of my home, a jarring signal that something was terribly wrong. My heart pounded as I shifted into super-speed, hurtling out of the house in my suit. The city's skyline blurred around me as I raced to the location of the distress call.

When I landed, my breath hitched at the sight of Nia crumpled on the ground. Without hesitation, I scooped her up, her body cold and limp. I took to the skies again, pushing my speed to its limits as I flew to the tower. The urgent need to get her to safety consumed me. I could only hope it wasn't too late.

⪡No One's POV⪢

Kara burst through the doors of the tower, her eyes filled with desperation as she laid Nia gently on a hospital bed. "Brainy!" she called out urgently.

Brainy emerged from another room, his expression shifting from concentration to alarm as he took in the scene. He dropped his tablet and rushed to Nia's side, his hands deftly moving as he prepared an injection.

"What happened?" he demanded, though his eyes already seemed to be assessing the situation. Kara could only offer a sorrowful shrug, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air.

Hours seemed to stretch into an eternity as Brainy worked diligently. Finally, Nia's eyes fluttered open. She found Brainy sitting beside her, holding her hand with a mix of relief and worry. His touch was gentle but firm, his concern evident in every line of his face.

"Nia! You're awake!" Brainy exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion. "What happened?"

Her throat was sore, each word a painful effort. But she managed to croak out a fragmented explanation, her voice barely a whisper. "Coluan... hate... Naltorian... me... weakness... you... her rule... world..."

Brainy's eyes widened, the gravity of her words settling in. He tightened his grip on her hand, his mind racing with the implications of her message. He knew that whatever threat was looming, they needed to act quickly to prevent disaster.

Part 2????

Thanks for reading, please vote if you liked this chapter and comment your ideas. Sorry i haven't been posting regularly I have been very busy

Zarah <3

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