The break up

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Third Person
         Pulling the sheets over her head, groaning about waking up, and pulling the blankets over her head again was all part of the fourteen year old's morning routine. Today, like many other days, she had slept through her alarm.

"Marinette! Your supposed to have gotten to school by now!" Sabine called, walking in to her daughters room. "I can't believe you're late again! Come on Marinette!" Usually, despite sleeping in, her mother never had to wake up Marinette, but it was noon, and that was an all time high, even for her.

"Sorry mom!" She groaned. "Slept late last night," and that was true.

Marinette had been up late, fighting an akuma as ladybug. She needed a break. Her alter ego had really brought her down. She was failing all her tests, and was only awake because she had tons of Red Bull and coffee at school. Which worried her parents, Tom and Sabine, who didn't want their high schooler to even have caffeine.

At school Alya met her by the lockers, after their fifth period,

"Girl, are you ok? Isn't that your fifth cup of coffee, and you missed five periods! Also this the fourth time this week your late, your surely in trouble. Something's going on, it's obvious!"

"Just, studying, don't worry about me Alya." She uttered, taking a sip of coffee.

"Why bother, when you know your never going to be successful?" Chloe said, hopping into the conversation. "Unlike me who already is ri-"

"Back off Chloe," Adrien interpreted, as he finally arived at school.

"Late too, like your girlfriend, admit it, your soulmates!"

"Actually, um, I wanted to talk to you Marinette," He paused, "in private."

Marinette gave him a confused look, but decided to go with him anyway, as Chloe glared at the couple.
Adrien led her to a less crowded part of the lockers, where nobody could hear them

"Marinette, I hate to do this, you are a wonderful, smart, beautiful girl, but, but," her stuterred. "Your just not right for me. I love you, and we haven't even been together for to long, but, the universe wants us to be apart, and sorry Mari, I think we need to break up."

Standing there stunned, she count utter a word, she wanted to sink in to the ground, never to be seem again, she wanted to scream, and cry, and yell, and do all those things, but she didn't. Instead she didn't let the slightest drop of water leave her eye.

"I understand." She quickly replied. Though she didn't. She didn't know why she was cursed, but she felt a flood of tears coming, so she covered her hands with her eyes, and rushed for the girls bathroom. While Adrien didn't't care, her didn't care because he, had cheated on the girl who loved him most. Cheated with a girl with no care of him, one her merely met at the park, he hadn't told of Marinette to her, hoping to get rid of her, like trash.

The bell rang shortly after Marinette stoped crying, so she went to her next class, and sat down in her usual spot next to Alya, like nothing had happened. After finishing her conversation with Nino, she noticed her best friend was back.

"Marinette! You're back, what happened? What did Adrien want to tell you?" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about it, I hope you understand." Marinette said, trying to hold back tears. Quickly, her smile turned to frown, but like the good friend she is, she thought of a plan.

"it's ok, why don't i come over to your house later, for a sleepover?" She tried

Looking up from her desk, that she had been staring at, she said, trying to smile "That would be delightful." As Ms. Busteir walked in followed by Adrien, who was late to class.

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