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the streets of london were pitch black as the echoes of two boys rang through, followed by the weaker laughs of another.
lux, freezy and harry had decided that riding round london on hire bikes was a good idea at two am in the morning, so that is what they did.

"harry, hurry up you slow fuck" lux yelled back, calling to the boy who was a couple meters behind, and slowing the group down.
"sorry, sorry" he mumbled, only heard by the straining ears of freezy, who chalked it down to bad mood.

they reached the flat, and dumbed their bikes on the floor, the two cals racing up the stairs, the lift being broken, freezy yelling something about losing his phone, but being too giggly to care. harry, on the other hand, stumbled behind, his head pounding.

harry finally reached their floor, but stopped suddenly at the top of the stairs. he leant against the wall, clutching his head, blocking the laughs of lux and jokes of freezy.
he stood there, shaking, barely able to move.

"harry? you okay?" he heard, the voice loud and echoey in his far away ears. it was freezy, his voice calmer than before, wide hands on harry's narrowed shoulders.

harry moved his head slightly, but stopped when a wave of discomfort flew through him. "harry?"

the younger boy stumbled forwards, knees almost buckling as he made his way to the flat, cal calling his name behind him.
"harry? are you okay? harry, please,"
he got inside the flat, and suddenly gave in. he fell against the wall, slipping into the ground, eyes squeezed shut and hands clasped over his ears.

freezy followed him in, and sucked in a gasp when he saw harry huddled on the floor. he jumped down, holding the younger close, drawing him in.
"lux, come" he yelled into the silent flat, making harry shiver more. he cursed himself, and then lux when be swore loudly and disturbed the peace once again.

"i was just about to shower, make your own tea you lazy fucker, i'm not your-" he started, his shirt halfway off and hair messed up, but stopped when he saw the scene before him. harry, shaking on the floor, with freezy holding him to his chest, looking panicked and confused. "what fucking happened?" he hissed, and freezy widened his eyes.

"i don't know, he just fell and started shaking, he isn't talking" he gabbled, wincing when harry whined silently against him. "what do we do? call an ambulance, leave it, i don't know" cal almost begged for an answer, from who, lux didn't know.

"my phones dead, you lost yours. oh fuck, oh fuck" lux rambled, looking lost. "harry, where's your phone?" he asked the boy, who didn't look up from his position of his head buried in cals chest.
"he's just shaking" said freezy, stroking his back. "he won't stop"

there were tears in his eyes as he told lux, who looked around desperately. "we have to go to hospital, what the fuck, what do we do, what do we do? shit, cal, what do we do? okay, right, stand up, come to my car, help him,"
his voice was shaky and panicked, though not half as terrified as he genuinely was inside.

freezy nodded, and lux pretended not to notice the way his legs wobbled with nerves, instead focus on the way harry shivered and shook, his hands not leaving his head and eyes staying screwed shut. cal gently pulled him up, carrying most of the boys weight, and harry moved to grab onto cals arms. he didn't even wince at the way harry's hands were cold and clammy, instead thanking god of how at least he had some form of consciousness.
"what's wrong, dinho?" freezy whispered into his ear, "what's going on?"

lux dithered between running ahead and getting the car ready, and staying behind to help the pair. he decided on the latter, planning to move ahead when they got closer to the car. he moved his hand hesitantly to harry's arm, almost moving it away instantly when he felt just how much harry was shaking. he felt immediately bad for making freezy deal with it by himself, but knew that he probably would be doing a much worse job.

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