Questions and Girl Talk

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Ariana's P.O.V

I didn't even know what to think as I let her words sink in. 4.6 MILLION?! That's A LOT of people. I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around everything. When I finally clued back into reality I noticed that Ana had left me standing there and figured that she probably was already at the cafeteria. As I walked into the big,loud room I saw her sitting at our table along with our friend Emily. Once I reached the table I greeted my other friend with a hug before I focused all my attention on Ana. "I can't believe you left me standing there". After like three seconds of me saying I realized that I was wrong. "Well actually I can believe it but you still shouldn't have done it". "Well I just didn't want to wait for you to process all of this in your slow moving brain" she held up her finger when she saw me open my mouth to protest. "Don't complain cause you know that I'm right". I stuck my tongue out at her because I knew that she was right. "Uh whatever" I said as I fake pouted. "Wait what's happening here? I'm so confused.And someone better start talking" Emily intervened. Me and Ana both looked at each other. "Okay well I met this really hot and sweet and dreamy guy" I said over exaggerating on the descriptive words. "But it just so happens that this guy is Grayson Dolan" Ana adds. "Who?" Emily asks. "Exactly!!" I screamed in agreement. Ana rolled her eyes. "Uh fine. I'll explain. Grayson and Ethan Dolan are viners and youtubers that have 4.6 million followers on vine and almost 400,000 subscribers on YouTube.Also they're twin brothers" she said annoyed to have to explain again. I looked over at Emily and saw a very shocked expression on her face."And this guy goes to our school now?!". She basically had a neon sign that said EXCITED above her head. "Yeah I bumped into him in the hallway this morning" I said,obviously very excited too. "You know that this is stupid cause I'm obviously going to get him" stated Ana. "No please,let me at least have a shot with him. There's just something about him that makes him very interesting and if it doesn't work out then you can totally go for him. Plus,didn't you say that he had a twin brother?" I looked at her with my best puppy dog eyes. After a few moments she said "Okay fine but only because you're my best friend and I love you". "Oh thank you thank you thank you!!!" I practically shrieked as I hugged her. Now it was Emily's turn to intervene. "Well what if I want him? What happens then?" she asked. "But you haven't even met him. And didn't you say that you liked that guy in your taekwondo?" I answered,secretly hoping that she'd back down. "Um I don't know cause this guy sounds pretty great" she said. "Uh for gods sakes Emily,just let her have this one" Ana blurted. "Fine" Emily declared. But I had a feeling that she wouldn't really back down. I really hope that I'm wrong.

new chapter!!! yay!!! 😂🎉🎉 I honestly wanted to make this longer but I also just wanted to get something out for you guys so I tried to do both.Also I didn't really edit this so there might be some mistakes so I hope it wasn't that bad but nevertheless I hope you like it. ily all 💕-Ariana

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