The First Look

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Ariana's P.O.V

It all started on a normal Wednesday morning. I had just gotten to school when I heard people whispering about a new kid. Usually I ignore them and mind my own business so that is just what I did. My best friend, Ana, had told me the day before to meet her at her locker. I was on my way there when I tripped over myself and fell. All my books landed in different parts of the crowded hallway. I silently cursed and started picking my books up, hoping that no one would step on me. I was just about done and I needed one more book when I saw someone pick it up. I made my way over there and was about to thank the stranger who picked up my book when I found myself staring at the most amazing pair of hazel eyes that I had ever seen.

It took me a while to regain my train of thought. But, once I did I was determined to find out who this beautiful stranger was.

I slowly stood up and put out my hand. "Thanks for picking up my book,I'm Ariana by the way". The stranger took my hand and shook it firmly. Just then I realized that he had really big muscles. This fact made me even more intrigued by him. "Yeah, no problem I'm Grayson". I replied almost instantly. "I have never seen you around". He smiled and said "It's actually my first day here". "Well then welcome to Seven Meadows and thanks again for picking up my book". I started to walk away but I felt someone tug on my arm. I turned around and saw Grayson standing there. "Um, actually I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the school". I considered this for a second then said. "I didn't think a tough guy like you needed a tour of the school". "Actually tough guys like me do need tours of schools especially if their guide is a beautiful girl". This comment made me blush instantly. Grayson noticed and he smiled. He had the most spectacular smile in the entire world. After what seemed forever I realized that he was talking to me. "I'm sorry what?" I said quickly. He chuckled and repeated his previous statement. "So, is there any chance that you can give me that tour now" he said, smiling. "I would,but now we'll be late", I said pointing to the clock that read a minute till the bell. "At least let me walk you to your next class", he said with a smirk. "Okay fine", I said giving in.

So that's the first chapter! I honestly don't know if I'll continue this or not but we'll see. But apart from everything I hope you're enjoying the story 😄
By the way Ariana's outfit is in the description thing. Except for the purse cause you don't need a purse for school☺️😂

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