Dares Only

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Sorry this took so long to post, I lost the copy and just found it! Next part up soon!!! Love you all!

His fingers ghosted over the keys and I cringed. The piano was so out of tune that it groaned and squeaked with every note.

"Stop!" Ryan came running in to the room wearing a sheet around his neck. Looks like either they had given him caffeine or were playing truth or dare again. We looked at him quizzically as he stood in a superman pose. "I have come to save the damsel from your dastardly noise!" Noah just looked at him amused while i watched the exchange.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. So release her!" I hadn't even noticed Noah pulling me into a tight embrace against himself.

"But what if i don't want to?"

"Then i shall fight you wicked player of piano's!"

"Eh. I'm not in the mood for a fight today, so you can have her." He said releasing me and pushing me towards Ryan.

"Hey! Hurtful!" I exclaimed "You're not going to fight for me?" I said playfully pouting.

"No need to worry fair maiden!" Ryan said, now picking me up bridal style. I let out a shriek of surprise.

"I shall take you away from this dastardly villain!" With that he ran out of the room and out the front door.I saw the others sitting in a circle under a tree nearby and guessed that they had been playing a game of dare only. As Ryan finally set me down on my feet i let out a huff.

"What is it with you guys lifting me up lately? I mean X and Ty carried me out of the grocery store, Noah brought me in to the foyer and now Ry! Seriously!" I said flopping to the ground in a new space between Liz and Dani.

"Aw! Piper! Don't worry. Your just so small and liftable." Ty said grinning at me from across the circle. I groaned. The guys were always making fun of the girls and I for being shorter than the, because as the shortest, Ry was a solid 5'8. I got a bulk of the teasing because I was only 5'1. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Anyway, Piper, we're playing Dares Only, and now it's your turn. Pick someone to dare you."Liz said bumping her shoulder against mine. I looked around. Well, I definitely wasn't letting any of the boys dare me, not Charlie. Liz would want to get me back for stealing the room so,

"Dani!" The group groaned. Dani was notorious for giving dares such as eating gross foods.

"Alrighty then... " she bit her lip, thinking. Suddenly, Charlie leaned over and whispered in her ear. Crap. Charlie was way to good at Dares Only.

"I dare you to go skinny dipping. Right here, right now." I stared at her in shock. X let out a low whistle and Ty just laughed. I felt Lix silently laughing next to me. I had only ever turned down two dares before, one to go streaking at a football game, (thanks X.) and the other to tell Noah the truth, (at a sleepover with the girls) so they knew I would carry through.

"Fine, but you guys have to make sure the boys can't look, got it?"

"Deal." Dani said grinning at Charlie. I walked t a tree that was closer to the lake and stepped behind it. I did what I had to do and then peered around I. I first checked the house to make sure that Noah wasn't looking out any of the windows, he wasn't. Then I saw that the girls had the boys sitting in a row, backs turned. Charlie saw me looking and made a gesture to get on with it. I took one deep breathe and sprinted to the lake. At first the water was an icy shock but then as I swam out deeper I started to get acclimated to it. I turned around to ask when I could get out and saw the girls all grinning at me along with the boys.

"Hey! Turn around!" I said, fidgeting to cover up.

"Relax Pip. We can't see anything." X said grinning. I wonder what was up. They were all grinning like a cat with a mouse.

"So when can I get out?" I asked hoping now as the answer. They shared glances and then out of nowhere Noah appeared,

"Oh, whenever you want." He said brandishing my clothes.

"Noah! No! Guys! Hey, stop!!! This is NOT funny!" I yelled as they all took off running into the house with my clothes. They ignored my pleas and slammed the door behind them. I treaded water for about five minutes before I realized they weren't coming back. I looked over at the dock and got an idea.i quickly decided that I could have some fun of my own.

Sorry it's short, I need to type the next part. And I like the next part!!! It is a bit mischievous... Love you all! Please comment!

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