Caught like a Deer

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Hey all!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I was away for a month with no technology but now that I'm back, I will update as often as I can! This was cowritten with my friend who I imagine as Charlie- hence per point of view. Please vote /comment!!!

Love you all!!!!!

Chapter 4


"Nice job man!" X clapped me on the back. Ty was laughing with the girls while Ry was smiling but not that excited. Piper was like his sister to him, and if anything happened to her, I'm not sure how he would cope, same with Charlie the two girls were insuperable. If Piper wasn't with me I knew all I had to do was find Charlie and she would be there.

We all sat in the game room talking and laughing for a bit. Then I realized that it been a bit since we had last heard Piper's calling.

"Hey guys,should we-" just as I was going to voice my concern I was cut off by a blood curdling scream. Charlie and Ry were out the door before it had even resisted in my mind but then I was on their heels, the others directly behind me. We burst towards the lake running in a pack.

"Piper? Piper!!"

"Shorts? Pips? PIPER?" We all started calling and after only a few moments Charlie was getting hysterical. We all spread out and started calling. I hastened toward the dock seeing as everyone was elsewhere.

"Piper?" I called my voice laced with worry. I called again and again until I heard a slight noise.

I stopped walking. "Piper?" I called out hesitantly. I heard a slight giggle. "Pip?" I call once more.

"Yes". And then I see her.


I can't help myself from giggling even after they find me. Charlie comes charging towards me even though I'm neck deep in the water and still naked. She nearly tackles me in a bone breaking hug.

"So you didn't find that funny?" I ask her looking at he worried face.

SMACK. Suddenly she whips her hand across my face. "Piper Williams don't you dare ever scare me-us like that again, we thought you were dead. You got it?" I nodded dumbly. She smiled and gave me her soaking wet sweatshirt but I didn't mind. It came to my mid thigh and it would work as a coverup for the moment. I looked at everyone's faces. They all had some degree of relief, Ty, X and Liz seemed to have found some humor in my prank as their eyes were sparkling with laughter. Ryan looked about as mad at me as Charlie was. When I looked over to Noah though his face was a mixture of relief and anger. He glanced at me once before shaking his head and walking back to the house.

"Come on girly. Lets go get you some dry clothes. Both of you. Ty said wrapping his arm around my shoulder to keep me warm once we got to shore. I looked over and X was doing the same with Charlie. Maybe some good did come of my prank.


Once I was in dry warm clothes all I wanted to do was make my way to the game room with everyone else but I knew there was something I had to do first. I quietly walked to Noah and Xavier's room knocking softly.

"Noah?" I called quietly entering. I got no response but there was a lump on the bed signifying that he was there and awake.

"Look Noah, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I mean, I was upset you guys left me out there and decided to get revenge but I did take it too far. The worry I must have put you all through. I understand if you never want to talk to me again." I paused. At The thought of losing Noah tears sprung into my eyes but I blinked them back, clearing my throat. "Just know that you are one of my best friends." I stood there a moment hoping for a response of any kind, before sighing and slowly turning away. Before I knew what was happening though, Noah had grabbed my wrist, pulled me down and in one swift movement he was hovering over my as I lay in his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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