The potato must POTATE

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"Life been hard wanting to be something with few supporters" the boy said. "I just wanna be a potato because potaaaatooooos are so potato yeaaaa!"
"Hey!" Said this guy in a car said "Come in the car"
"Really" the boy said "you're the worst pedo ever not gonna even offer me candy better gone somewhere"
"Ok" the guy in the car said with a sad face.
"Ok so back to what I was saying" the boy said "how can I make my dream come true"

At The Dinner Table
"Hey son" the mom said "how's ur day"
"I wanna be a potato but I feel like nobody believes in me or just think I'm playing and it's just really frustrating!!"
"Don't yell" the dad said " I'm tried of all this! You're human you can't be a potato not now not tomorrow not ever! So shut up about it."
"Yes...yes...yes I can. just don't know" the boy said between tears "I...I...I can. I can I can I can I can" he cried while whispering to himself.
"Son it's ok ur father just don't understand but I accept u for whatever u want to be." The mom said "I love you son"
"Thanks" the boy said "Thank you"
She hugged him
"Momma"I wanna be a potato"

So hey I'm back! And the name "the patato must potate" comes from jake_to_the_future. Thx for that comment jake I like it. So yea imma still be writing this but it's almost done.

Mamma "I wanna be a Potato"Where stories live. Discover now