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The meeting lasted longer than expected but the result was better than expected and Payten was more prepared than I expected him to be. After meeting with John Boaz, one of the richest men in Houston, I had back-to-back meetings all day late afternoon. By the last meeting I was curious to see if Arden had replied to the offer.

I had been distracted all day wondering what she'd think of the offer. Did she like it? Would she make me wait for her answer? Had she declined? Would she bargain?

My curiosity got the best of me and before I know it, I'm logging into my email seeing if there is anything from HR with her name attached. I hesitate, wondering why I was so set on Arden James being my new personal legal assistant. I mean of course there were other candidates that applied but none of them caught my attention like Arden. She had spunk and from the way Aria talked about her, I needed to see this woman in action.

I have known Aria so long I never questioned her judgment implicitly. She had a way of reading people. We met in law school and eventually when we graduated ended up working at the same law firm. I had worked at the law firm since I was 15 learning the importance of every position from the janitor to the CEO. I rose quickly in the ranks of the firm after passing the bar earning my spot as CEO, taking my father's place due to his failing health, while Aria busted her ass to become a part of our branch development team. During our time in the slums Aria and I developed a close friendship and eventually became besties. Aria would always talk about her younger sister through the years, telling me little things here and there. And finally meeting her after years of just hearing about her showed me that Aria had left out quite a few details about her sister when she'd mentioned Arden needed employment.

"Come in," I call out. My thoughts interrupted.

"HR on line 1 sir," the temp states after opening the door. When I give a nod of acknowledgement the door closes.

"Hello Claudia. You finally ready to run away with me to paradise," I flirt jokingly with the older woman on the phone.

"Oh, you stop that right now," Claudia's Georgia drawl giggly, "You're just trying to butter me up like a biscuit because you know I have some bad news."

Claudia was an older woman, in her sixties, who'd been with the firm since its birth. She'd seen and heard it all. I've known her since I was kid always stopping in and dropping off her favorite treats every now and then. She was sweet on me. And after I took over, she'd become my eyes and ears, making sure I knew of any and every potential issue that could arise.

"Way to shoot down an admirer Claudie," I grumble playfully, "Lay it on me straight girl."

"Don't make me call my husband up here to set you right. You Know Cleotis don't play 'bout me," she jokes.

"Oh Claudie, you're breaking my heart," I feign.

"Oh hush, Anyways, back to business. This new hire you approved has a record," She explains, "I found it doing the standard background check. Just the one charge on her record but nothing since not even a parking ticket."

"Send me what you found, and I'll look it over," I sigh.

"Already done, hunny," Claudia says before hanging the line.

I pull up the email and scan the report. It was an arrest for misdemeanor assault she spent a night in jail and got off with a year of probation when she was 18. Nothing to be too concerned about since she hadn't been in trouble since other than a few parking tickets. I scan through the rest of the file. Most of the information I knew from hearing Aria talk about Arden. But nothing that'd change my mind. I make mental note to hire a PI to find a little more personal information on her that may come in handy later.

I pick up the phone to call Claudia back after I finish reading the file.

"What do you want," Claudia grumbles through the line.

"Who shit in your salad," I chuckled jokingly.

"If I tell you, you'll only make it worse," She mumbled then changed the subject, "So, what are we doing about the new hire?"

"Nothing," I answer, "she'll still start as planned."

"You're sure?" I can hear her surprised eyebrow raise through the phone. Usually, I wouldn't approve someone with a record but something about Arden has me going against my usual rules.

"Yes," My answer is curt and final.

"Alrighty, I'll get her paperwork started," she says suspiciously. I could tell Claudia was curious to know why I'd still chosen to hire this woman with a record.

People question my judgement for less so, this time it won't be anything new.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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