XIV. Boundaries Crossed

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A/N: I'm sorry I accidentally published the chapter after this first plz read this one and then reread the next one 🙏😞😞🫶🫶🫶

TW: angst, teasing, arguing

After a short breakfast with Madeleine, you told her you were going to town with an advisory staff and some other students but naturally, you made your way to Cordelia's. Your knees shook with nervousness as to what there was to unpack here, thinking about the ring.

Instead of knocking on the door, risking being caught, you helped yourself inside, looking both ways before entering.

"Cordelia?" you sounded through the house, leaning on the now closed door with your hands behind your back.

"...Upstairs darling," she sounded from her bedroom. You smile and push off the door, heading right up the stairs in front of you. She was sat in her office, her blonde hair still in a low ponytail with her glasses perched on her nose. You studied her as you lean on the door frame beside her. She looks at you with a contented smile and pats her lap, pushing out her chair. Raising your eyebrow, you grin and perch yourself on her thigh., looking over her desk at all the papers she already has to grade. "How'd you sleep honey?" she asked quietly, giving your temple a soft kiss from behind before wrapping her arms around your stomach, glad to finally converse about what she couldn't say in front of Madeleine.

"I slept okay. Not the same without you," you blushed, turning your head to look at her. She did too with a slight chuckle.

"I uhm... saw Nick talking to you after ballet. What was that about?"

"He was just apologizing for the night before. I told him to just let it go."

"That's my girl," she smiled. "I'm proud of you sweetheart." You gave a hesitant smile and nod, looking away. She grasps your chin, making you look at her once again. After staring into your eyes for less than a moment, she joined your lips and gently held your face. You rest a hand on her shoulder, still on her lap and she deepens it.

"Oh- Miss Goode," you groaned between sloppy kisses, making her smirk against your face and finally release. You look at each other lovingly and she still had her grin, with your chin still in her fingers. You both blushed hard.

"You're a lovely kisser little bunny," she whispers, tapping your nose. You cover it with your fingertips, giggling.

"You too Miss."

"Mm why thank you," she smiles, looking in your eyes as she gently tickles your stomach. You squeal and try to get away but she pulls you further into her lap making you whine. "No whining little one. I know you like it here," she laughed.

"Oh whatever," you mumbled, turning to straddle her and rest your chin on her shoulder, nuzzling into her golden hair as she strokes your back.

"Mm I missed you last night."

"I missed you too," you sigh, closing your eyes and her hand finds yours. That's when your mind goes straight to last nights topic. A ring. As you hold her hand, you start to feel for her bare ring finger. There wasn't a ring but it didn't go unnoticed.

"What are you doing?" she asked, pulling her hand away.

"I'm sorry. I was just- holding your hand," you say, now face to face.

"Oh. It just seemed like you were looking for something." she says.

"Like a ring?"  She gazed at you deeply, speechless. "The girls mentioned you had a ring."

"I don't have a ring y/n. See ?" she holds out both hands to you. "Why would you think that?"

"Just- the girls we're arguing whether you had one or not."

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