IX. Secrets

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TW: sex toys, edging, orgasm denial, drinking

"Ahh. Now I see the problem honey," she smirked, holding your thighs apart, looking at your wet spot.

Your eyes went wide and you closed your legs once again.

"I don't- I-"

You were at a complete loss of words. Cordelia watches you pinch your arm. She looks confused but still had that grin plastered on her face.

"Why are you pinching yourself darling?" she whispered, pulling your fingers away.

"To make sure I'm not dreaming again," you panted.

"Oh so that's what your dream was about," she laughs. "Me."
You hesitantly nodded. "I want to take care of you baby. You seem so frustrated I'm sorry," she coos, gently grazing her nails over your thighs. "How about you use my bathroom shower head ? I'll be outside the door if you...need anything."

You nodded but your eyes made contact with the drawer across the room.

"I- I need.. fuck I think I need it... inside of me Cordelia. Not just my clit," you whispered with embarrassment.

"...So what did I do in your dream sweetheart? I want to help you just tell me. Please?" she whispered.

"Uhm... your- your toy."

"My toy?" she asks. She clearly realizes once she turns her head in the direction of her drawer. She looks back at you with her lips pursed and shakes her head. "You nosey little girl," she whispered, gently tickling your side. "I know it's embarrassing... I'm old. I shouldn't have something like that."

"No you're not Cordelia," you say, sitting up and moving her hair behind her ear. "You're beautiful. You deserve to cherish your body and...please it that way because it's perfect. But please. I need-"

She interrupted you by practically smashing her lips into yours. She holds your cheeks and deepened it. She pulled back, looking into your eyes nervously.

"No, you're not dreaming," she laughed gently. "But thank you. And I know, you need release baby."

She stands up, walking to her drawer and taking out the toy.

"I've never used something like this," you whispered as she sat back on the bed. You sort of wished for her assistance. "Just lay down honey okay?" You nodded and complied, laying on your back. "Is this okay?" she whispers, grazing the toy dangerously close to your clit.

"Yes. Please."

She nods and moves your underwear to the side, taking a moment to look at the beauty in front of her.

"Oh y/n," she gasps quietly, stroking her fingers over your wetness. "My god. Is this really all for me? I did this to you?"

"Yes Miss Goode," you said shamefully, looking to the side. She takes your cheeks and makes you look at her. Her long nails dug slightly into your red flesh.

"Look at me. Stop hiding your eyes from me honey. ...What did I do in your dream?"

"Well, you kissed me," you laugh, seeing she already has that checked off.

"Well we did that. What did I do next?" she laughed.

"You fucked me with that. Because I found it in your drawer. You fucked me really good... Miss Goode."

She chuckles and turns the toy on, laying it on your clit. Your hips buck and you squeeze your eyes shut.

"You know... I'd ask you to suck on it to make it slide into this tight little pussy easier... but I think you've already got that job done." She continues to tease your entrance with the vibrations and cocks an eyebrow. "But I think I'd like to see it anyways," she whispered, bringing it to your lips. You looked deeply into one another's eyes as she fucks your face with the toy. "Good girl. I don't want to make you wait any longer."

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