XX. Tell me you Hate me

73 11 0

TW: Smoking, drinking, throwing up, mention of hitting, arguing,

You all smoked again and soon, Bella came over. You thought you remembered Liz mentioning a third friend so it made sense. She had a large bottle and came over to look at Adrian's tattoo so far before introducing herself.

"Hey I'm Bella, it's really nice to meet you. I love your piercing."

"Thanks- I just got it an hour ago."

"Oh word," she laughs.

The girls continued to be really nice to you and you all ended up getting wasted before midnight. Liz had finished the tattoo but she and Adrian fell asleep in the same spot on the floor.

You were laying on a small couch in the room and suddenly felt lonely. You were plastered and wide awake. It was only 1 and you remembered Cordelia telling you to come over any time if you wanted. You were bored out your mind and too drunk to figure out how to entertain yourself so you picked up your things from across the room, stepping over the girls and quietly leaving.

You spot one of their flasks and drank half of it before heading out.

You stumbled to Cordelia's house in the dimly lit yard and cobble stone path, letting yourself in. As soon as you opened the door, you see her tall figure, sitting on the couch with a bunch of blankets in her lap along with papers. Her hair was down and straight and she was wrapped in a white robe. She looked at you with raised eyebrows over her thin glasses. You looked at her for a moment through your slightly blurred vision as you lean on the doorknob, your foot still on the front step, causing you to push the door open wider and trip into her coatrack, landing on the floor with a thud. All of her papers and blankets fell to the floor as she jumped up, running to close the front door and helped you.

"Jesus, y/n, look at me," she scolded, grasping your arm to look at your face. "You're high."
She brings her face closer to yours and kisses you before looking at you again. "And drunk," she stated, tasting it on your lips. "Did something bad happen to you?" she panicked, her eyes wide and started rapidly checking you for marks.

"No, I'm fine I just missed you," you smile sheepishly, still on the floor while she still has fear in her eyes. She sighs, looking down.

"Bad girl," she mumbled, leaving you on the floor. You were sat back on your hands and you scoff slightly but she immediately turns back around with drawn eyebrows. "y/n, y/l/n, what is in your nose?"

You smirk as you look up at her.

"A nose ring."

"You didn't." Her face was horrified, as if you had just committed the most gruesome, disgusting crime.

"Fuck off, I like it," you smirk, leaning back on one hand as you lightly touch the diamond.

"God y/n... Sometimes I don't want to let you leave my sight OR this house," she beams, helping you up to go to the kitchen. You fall to your knees again in the hallway as you realize how drunk you really were. Cordelia did too.

"I- I'm sorry please don't be mad at me," you huffed from the floor, feeling as though you were about to pass out. She looks down at you on the floor, frustrated. "Please," you cry, just wanting her to help you as you had your hands on the ground with your head hung low.

"No y/n, I need a minute from you. I'm- it's better for the both of us," she walks away to the living room with clenched fists. You look up, still feeling so extremely dizzy with a sorrowful face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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