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[Scarlet Night]
- Scarlet is a very dangerous member of Huntress team at night as well as not really dangerous at day, this is because her powers mainly manifest at night. Her hair is white with a ponytail at the side, she also has a unique set of clothes with some armored parts such as her shoulders and her neck. However her name isn't scarlet night, it's her nickname, her real name is Zhū shā

- She possess ribbon like powers, materializing out of the darkness and entangling the enemies and sucking their lifeforce. This lifeforce is then used to make various weapons and minions by opening a portal (minions) or shapeshift into the weapon, the minions are abnormally strong, incredibly skilled, with unkown powers, and possess even powers the mind cannot comprehend and these minions are called Voids

- Scarlet isn't the main threat but the minions or monsters she summons are. Originally she only would need the lifeforce for her weapons and minions but she doesn't necessarily need the lifeforce for the minions, she can summon the portals herself however she will get hurt after her 7th summon(without the lifeforce fuel) normally bleeding will occure then another and another so she might die from blood loss. She too has normal regeneration but will activate after 5 minutes of her not summoning a portal without a lifeforce fuel or consuming that lifeforce directly.

- She even have her own team called TFVNH or T.ask F.orce V.oid N.ova H.ammer which consists of 6 members. The 6 members are:
Jacob(SuperHuman - Captain)
Kentay(Void - Rapid Evolution)
Ken(Void - Monster Summoner)
Nazharr(Void - Glass & Sand powers)
Kalista(Void - Demon Transformation)
So the most powerful and Scarlet's bodyguard is Kentay, note that the members have Mechanized suits or Exoskeletons made of both silver painted Diamonds and Platinum as well as their equipment, Kentay can get beat up with the opponent or enemy and then his powers will activate by "Adapting" with him getting much much stronger than the opponent while he gets bigger as well.

- Now her team's description, Kentay is the strongest member of TVNH as he has the power of Rapid Evolution which whenever he's losing. He gets stronger and stronger which means he also gets bigger and his skin becomes almost as hard as or harder than steel then later diamond, his mechanized suit is the most flexible and least endurant due to his growing size however his power will lose effect whenever he beats his opponent or doesn't get in a fight for one day then he'll revert back to his normal form. If evolved enough, he can win and throw Jacob off and maybe even kill him

- Jacob, as a SuperHuman with his mechanized suit and equipment can prove to be the 2nd strongest, he is an American and has a strong spirit for his country. He leads the team as Scarlet's right-hand man he apparently has low temper and has the power to subdue other team members, he hates people who don't follow orders from him but is still able to control his temper and restrain himself from killing that person. He can jump and run incredibly high and fast as well as able to lift more than 195 Kilograms in one hand, maximum of  270 Kilograms in one hand and 688 Kilograms in 2 hands. He masters Martial Arts making it a incredibly dangerous set of moves, his last resort weapon is when his Platinum covered hand glows a bright blue, this blue color will spread throught his body until it's covering the entire right part of his body (except his head) which enhances it beyond super human at Eagle's level but this only affects his right body

- Clint being an original human except for his slight and weak regeneration, has the strongest suit or mech dubbed "the Behemoth" as well as the strongest equipment, he's also the most durable and tanky individual. He has multiple varied weapons equipments, such as a Technology hammer, a Chlorophyte hand  saw, or other strong equipment made of Adamantite and Chlorophyte. He has a last resort weapon called "the Godslayer cannon" which fires at 600 rounds per minute, as well as a unkown modification that obliterates a 25 feet radius in front of it however this destroys the cannon itself as well as having a huge recoil to the user (launching over 10 meters from the position the Godslayer cannon was fired)

- Kalista the Beautiful Demon is her title, she has a bloodthirsty appetite that she wants to murder mostly everyone. Her powers allow her to turn into a demon (for humans) she can drift into people's body and possess them allowing her to take control of that body as well as them bleeding from every orifice but if this does not work for a period of time or if her enemy or target is not human then she will use her razor sharp finger nails to slice them to death, her nails function similarly to Katanas. Note that her nails are also incredibly long. making it even more dangerous and since she is also a superhuman in her demon form she can attack, run, and dodge incredibly quickly with super strength. But she does have limits

- Ken meanwhile is a Korean American, he is like Scarlet's weaker version being to summon abnormally strong creatures out of his own portals. This however quickens his heart rate or heightens his blood pressure, as well as more portals are opened or the more frequent the portals open then the more this takes effect which causes bleeding. His attitude is sloppy, he is also kind of lazy.

- Nazharr comes from Saudi Arabia, able to manipulate sand and glass although it's very short and limited because he doesn't use his power far beyond or used it in any major way. He only used it for regeneration, limb enhancements, tornado or hurricane attacks, and fast transportation. He is also very skilled at technology and weapons.

- So scarlet's threat doesn't come from her or her powers but her companions and her summons called void people or just Voids in short.

• Ribbon like powers
• Huge advantage at night
• Able to summon Voids
• Void team (TFVNH)
• ⅖ Evil
• Smug personality or Oujidere
• Able to suck lifeforce
• Has a bodyguard

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