Part 5 *edited*

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Mitch p.o.v

Oh my gosh. I am so excited for today. Carter is going to be sooooooo happy. I woke up extra early just to set up everything. today is going to be perfect. no one will be able to ruin it. not even Brad Mason. After I finish setting up the blanked on the couch I rush upstairs into Carters room where she is sprawled out across her bed. Her hair is across her face and spread out across her pillow. she has one Leg over the blanket and one leg, MOSTLY under the blanket. her sweatpants pant leg is up to her knee and he shirt is rolled up just a little bit so it is showing a small about of her stomach.

I jump on her bed "WAKE UP!!!" She just groans, and rolls over. Jerome comes in and jumps on her bed wit me but we are careful not to step in her legs.

"WAKY WAKY EGGS AND BAKY!!!" Jerome shouts

I laugh at Jerome "CARTERRRRR WAKE! UP!" I yell.

She just brings her knees up to her chest and pulls the blankets over her head. I hop down, to the floor and pull the blankets away from her and set them at the foot of the bed.


She just rolls over, faces the other way and pulls the blankets back over her head. "5 more minutes." Her words are muffled do to the blanket in her face.

I glance at Jerome. he looks at me. I think we have the same plan. We slowly crept towards her.

I snatched the blankets and threw them on the floor. Jerome holds her arms down and I reach for the sides of her stomach. I start tickling her. she instantly wake screaming, kicking and squiring and laughing

"Okay. I'm up." But I keep tickling her "MITCH! I am up." She yells. I stop, Jerome lets go of her arms. I back up. I start to walk away.

She jumps out of bed "babe wait,i didn't mean it, I'm just crabby in the morning." at her moment of weakness, I wrap my arms around her arms and body so she has no system of defense. I pick her up and walk out of her room and down the stairs, with her over my shoulder.

"Put me down!" She squirms and wiggles her legs

"No!" I laugh

Once we get into the living room I put her down on the floor she realizes what I have set up. I have a blanket fort set up in front up the TV. there are breakfast sandwiches on little plates on the coffee table (which is holding up some of the blankets) one of the sand which has a small, stick candle sticking out of the top.

It is not much but it is a breakfast-with-Mitch-and-watch-movies-all-day, date.

"Happy birthday babe" i smile at her.

"Aww babe, there's a fort, and a stack of movies movies, and breakfast sandwiches!!! All of my favorites!!" She cheers.

"Happy birthday to you-" Jerome and I sing

"Oh no."

"Happy birthday to you-"

"Please don't sing." She begs

"Happy birthday dear Carter-" her face is really red right now.

"Stooooop." she whines with a laugh.

"Happy birthday to you." Jerome and I finish.

"God! You guys are such dorks." she laughs. "but you guys are my dorks." she pulls us in and hugs us both. then let's goo moments later. "okay well I'm hungry." she sits down on the floor next to the coffee table (not in the couch because there are blankets being held up by the couch.

"Let's eat!" I say. pouring OJ into three cups and handing one to each of us. I then slide a plate to Jerome and one plate to Carter. the plates have breakfast sandwiches on them. the breakfast sandwiches consist of biscuits for the to hold the eggs, bacon, ham, and some cheese.

We all quickly dig into our breakfast and finish it off with orange juice.

"May I?" I reach my hand out for Carters hand, she gladly puts her hand in my hand. I guide her into the blanket for as Jerome stays outside the fort.i turn on the movie "big hero 6" and we all watch it, laughing and Carter got emotional at some parts, but I was here to hold her.

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