Part 10 *edited*

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Carter p.o.v

jerome continues to chase me down the street. i turn the corner and start to run back to the house.

my legs hurt and are very sore. i am not much of an active or athletic person. my lungs are burning and i am gasping for air. the house is only about 20 yards away.

"why did he chase me down the street just for some root beer?" i think to my self kind of annoyed.

i push the thought away and try to focus on my breathing. finally getting to the house, i push the door open and run into the house. i run right into Mitch knocking us both to the floor with me on top of him. We start laughing. Then Jerome comes running in.

"Woah guys save that for the bed room" Jerome laughs.

My cheeks feel flushed and I hurry to get off of Mitch. he stands up too.

Mitch is laughing too and it seems to be that I am to only one who's feels slightly embarrassed.

I turn to face Mitch. he is still slightly laughing. I shake my head and laugh a bit. what just happen, is something that you would only see in the movies. Except it just happened and it was indeed, quite funny.

Jerome wraps his hands around my waist and rests his head on shoulder. "I'm sorry little bacca." He does a little pouty lip "could you pwease forgive meh?"

I squeeze the sides of his cheek with my hand "I don't know if I could my wittle bacca" I pause "you see, you chases meh down the frigen street" I made myself sound like Preston.

Jerome kisses my cheek. I blush a little bit. And then make it go away. Mitch's face starts to get red with anger. Jerome quickly lets go of my waist and steps away.

Jerome starts "Mitch It didn't-"

Mitch pushed him into the wall but keeping quiet because he didn't know what to say.

"M-Mitch-" Jerome starts again

"DONT ever put your hands on my girlfriend like that!"

"Mitch he didn't mean it like that." I slide in between Mitch and Jerome. "Mitch it was friendly, right Jerome?" I look at Jerome and give him this 'you better agree with me or your dead' look and he nodded his head.

Mitch breathes out his nose in anger and lets go of his grip on Jerome and storms up stairs.

"Carter I didn't-" Jerome starts

"Jerome it's fine, really I don't mind" it slipped. I said that. I shouldn't have. Jerome just stares at me in shock.

"You...." he stutters but can't get the words out.

"I- you- I have to go" I turn on my heel and run into my room shutting the door behind me.

I fall face first into my bed, smashing my face into my pillows.

I can not like Jerome. I do not like Jerome. I like Mitch. I think I love Mitch. I have to like Mitch.

I have never been torn between two boys before. What am I saying? I am not torn between two boy. I love one of them and I don't love the other one. its that simple. ah who am I kidding? It's not that simple. it never will be that simple! But I don't like Jerome. At least I think I don't. I know I have feelings for Mitch. But I don't know my feelings on Jerome.

I let out a loud groan in frustration.

I decide to go for a walk. it's almost sun set, it would be a nice, peaceful setting to clear my head.

I slide into my black converse, and my black/red checkered hoodie, I grab my phone and shove it into my pocket. I walk down stairs and out the door.

The cool, brisk, fall air of New Jersey is a bit chilling but not to cold.

I pull out my phone at check the time "6:12pm"

"It is going to get dark soon" I whisper to my self "just a quick walk around the block." I think to myself.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and start to walk and think, I think about everything.

-flash back-

Mitch throws me over his shoulder and runs into an unknown room. we are both laughing. I am blushing like crazy trying to control my inner fangirl.

Mitch puts me down and holds my waist to make sure I'm steady. he looks into my eyes and I look into his. there are a beautiful brown.

"Hi there" he says "I'm mitch."

I look down at the ground "I'm Carter."

-end of flash back-

Thinking of the first time I met Mitch sent Butterflies fluttering through my stomach. It brings back other memories.

-another flash back-

All of the girls rush into the lobby and we sit and wait for the person who we are going to be interviewed by to walk in.

He walks in, and my heart practically jumps out of my chest.

I must have gotten so lost in staring at him because he comes up to me and says "nice shirt, I like your hoody too." he winks at me.

I look down at my self I have my #Merome T-shirt on wit my bajan Canadian hoodie on.

-end of flashback-

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone starts buzzing.

I look at the screen "Mitchy Poo <3" is in big letters on the screen.

I answer it. "hi babe."

"Where are you!? What happen? Are you okay?" He panics and it's kinda cute. I chuckle a bit.

"Mitchy poo I am fine, I just went for a walk. I will be home soon."

"Okay, why did you go for a walk? What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just wanted some peace, I love you guys so much but I just wanted some alone time. I'm sorry." I frown down, feeling bad for leaving.

"Stop frowning, I am not even looking at you and I know your frowning stop it I lo-" he is interrupted when a black bag is throw over my face.

"MITCH!" I scream

Mitch p.o.v

"MITCH!" Carter yells in my ear. I hear stuff moving in the back round. "PLEASE LET ME GO" she cries.

"Carter what's going on?" She doesn't respond. "CARTER PLZ ANSWER ME YOU SCARING ME!"

"You will never find her" A deep raspy voice says

I recognize this voice.


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