Part 13

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Carter p.o.v

I do t know how long I have been in captivity. An hour, 2 hours, a day, a week. I honestly have no idea. I feel like I have been in here for years. It cold and musty in here. it smells like rusted metal. And and laying on the ground, in a ball form. the floor is cement. cold. and stiff. I start to doze when I am woken up by the sound of a metal door screeching against concrete.

I lift my head up.

"get up" a man says, emotionlessly.

I do as I am told, I stand up. and brush my leggings off.

He walks over to me grips my elbow, "LETS GO!" He yanks me forwards. I yelp but continue to walk.

We walk out of the room and past a couple of cargo crates.

"Stand there and don't move" he says. he is the guy who was holding my right arm earlier.

I sand in a circle of guards. the two move, and Brad walks into the circle.

"Hello sweet heart." he walks In Circles around me. he stops next a to me and traces my cheek with his index finger.

I step away but he grabs my upper arm. My breathing hitches.

"Now if you do what I say, nobody gets hurt." he chuckles a bit "well you will." He smirks.

"Your not gonna touch me" I say snatching my arm away from him.

I glares at me "who's the one in control here C?" He smiles an evil smile.

"If you even lay a finger on me, Mitch and Jerome will-"

He interrupts me "- they will what? Hurt me? Kill me?"

"You wish" he pushes me to the ground.

"No no no, you will wish your dead."

He sits on top of me and pushes my shirt up a little so he's touching my stomach. he swirls his finger around my belly and belly-Button.

He leans down to lick my stomach.

"NO!" I scream, a painful, ear bursting, scream.

We soon her sirens around the warehouse.

He picks his head up "SHIT!" He whisper yells.

"Get the shipment to the chopper!" He shouts and all the the guards and everyone with a gun starts moving small crates and boxes. "GET UP!" He yanks me from the ground.

I cop car bursts through one of the garage doors, drifting on the concrete. 4 cops exit the car with guns and start shooting. then they aim at Brad. He then wraps and arm around my neck from behind, he pulls a gun out from his worst band and pouts into my temple.

"DONT SHOOT PLEASE!" I yell. put my hands on his arm that's around my neck.

More cop cars come rushing into the warehouse. my body is shaky. and I am honestly and truly scared. I'm not going to live to be able to tell him I love him. he will never know. my eyes start to swell up. a tear falls down my face.

I feel a bullet graze my shoulder. and Brads grump instantly loosens and he falls to the floor. I turn to look at him. there is a circle in the middle of his chest that is dark red. and getting bigger. blood. I look up and see that a cop shot him in The back.

The pain in my shoulder isn't even there because of the adrenalin rush that is going through me.

I start to slowly walk towards the cops that I was facing just moments ago.

I see a blue mustang quickly pull up. my eyes widen up. Mitch and Jerome out and start running towards me.

I start running too. running and pumping my one, un-injuring arm.

i jump into Mitch's arms. wrapping my arms around his head. he wraps his arms around my waist. he spins for a moment and then just holds me there.

"Mitch." I say and look at him "Mitch I'm so glad to see you" I miss him then burry my face in his neck. he sets me down.

I let go of Mitch and go over to Jerome. I jump and wrap my arms around his neck. he wraps his arms around my middle.

"Jerome." I breath out into the crook of his shoulder.

"Carter." he laughs with his chin on my shoulder. he spins a bit then sets me down. his places his hands on the side on my face. I rest my head on his chest.

"Carter!" Mitch shouts "your shoulder." The pain is starting to go through my body. I wince and touch the spot where the bullet grazed my shoulder.

"In fine. It just grazed my shoulder. we can just wrap my upper arm and I will be fine"

We see Brad on a gurney, hand cuffed to the bars on the side,with a breathing mask over his nose and mouth.

A/N- I am sorry to say this but I am not going to be able to update again until Sunday. I'm also sorry that this one is short. I am going to my lake house for Father's Day weekend. I'm sorry. Much Luv c: ❤️


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