Part 12

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Mitch p.o.v

"All you can do now is go home, sir" the plump receptionist lady said.

"I can't! Don't you under stand!?" I shout "I can't just go home when my girlfriend is missing!"

"Sir you need to leave or I will have you removed" she pauses, I just stare at her "Officer Rodgers?" She shouts.

A police man walks out of the hallway that Carter walked out of yesterday.

"Alright" I sigh "I'm leaving" I turn around and leave. I get into my car.

I put my face into my hand and I feel my eyes swell up and water starts to fill my hands.

Carter p.o.v

The people who kidnapped me, one of them, took off the bag that was over my head.

I flutter my eyes to get them used to the light and my surroundings. I am in an almost empty warehouse. there are a few cargo crates around me along with several boxes and small crates.

I turn to look at the man on my left. he is about 5'9, he has dark brown hair, broad shoulders, long arms, and not very muscular.

I turn to look at the man on my right. my breathing hitches.

He is about 5'10, with dirty blonde hair, broad shoulders, long arms and legs.

Brad Mason.

It takes all of my will, to hold back the cry I want to cry out.

"Hey baby." he winks at me. I nearly throw up. I wince at the grip he has on my right elbow tightens.

Both of the men lead me into a room way in the back of the warehouse. They throw me into a dark room and shut the door.

Mitch p.o.v

I get home. And I feel weak. like every ounce of energy has been taken out of my body. I feel plain. like my hole world is grey. I Manage to find the energy to shuffle me feet over to the couch and I sit down. I put my elbows on my knees and my face in my palms.

My eyes start to swell up and I can feel a lump in the back of my throat. why did this happen to her? Of all people? This shouldn't happen to anyone at all but why her. I just want her to be in my arms again. I feel tears seep through the cracks of my fingers. this isn't right. I have never felt this much pain in my heart before. I feel so weak, because I can't do anything to help. all I can do is wait. more tears seep through the cracks in between my fingers.

I sit up real quick. I rub my eyes and cheeks.

I run upstairs into my room, still feeling week and slow but I manage to run.i sit in my computer chair and I pull up internet explorer. I go to google and search up

Find my iphone

"JEROME!" I yell snuffling.

He comes running into my room. slipping a bit because of his socks on the wood.


"If we search her phone." I pause and wipe my cheeks again "we can find her."

"Mitch that's genius, but she doesn't have her phone." he runs his hands through his hair pacing back and forth. "The guy took it from her remember"

"Don't you think I thought of that?" I snap "the...person who took her, took her phone befor the line went dead. HOPEFULLY he or she still has her phone on them"

"MITCH YOUR A FUCKING GINIUS" he grabs the sides of my face and kisses the top of my head.

I sit in shock for a moment.

I click the link that takes me to the "find my iPhone" website and I type in my iTunes account. I the click on her number.

It takes a few moments. these moments are the slowest and the LONGEST minutes of my life. there is so much anticipation in the room that can literally feel it.

Jerome is leaning over my shoulder watching my computer screen inevitably.

A little red dot pops up on the screen showing her location. That is 17 miles away.

"YES BUDDY! WE FOUND HER!" Jerome runs out of the room. We both run downstairs and get into the car.

(A/N- sorry it's kinda short, much luv! ❤️)


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